Club simul Joe Oszvald 2002

(1) Joe Oszvald (2157) - Dennis Marinos (1530) [C25]
NVCC simul 2002, 05.06.2002
[Fritz 7 (7s)]

C25: Vienna Game: Alternatives to 2...Nf6 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 d6 3.f4 Nc6 4.Nf3 Bd7 5.Bc4 Be7 6.0-0 Bf6 7.f5 Nge7 8.a4 a6 Secures b5 9.d3 Na5 10.Ba2 c5 [ 10...0-0 11.Bg5+/= ] 11.g4 [ 11.Ng5 c4 12.dxc4 Qb6+ 13.Kh1 Bxg5 14.c5 Qxc5 15.Bxg5+- ] 11...h6+/= Controls g5 12.Bd2 Qb6 13.Kg2 0-0-0 [ 13...Nac6!?= ] 14.Nd5 [ 14.Bxf7 Nac6+/- ] 14...Nxd5+/= 15.exd5 [ 15.Bxd5!? g6 16.Bxf7 gxf5 17.gxf5+/= ] 15...Rde8= [ Worse is 15...Bxa4 16.Bb1 Qb5 17.Qe2+- ] 16.Qe1 e4 17.dxe4 Qxb2 18.Bxa5 Qxa1 19.Qxa1 Bxa1 20.Rxa1 Rxe4 21.Kg3 Rxa4 22.Bc3 f6 Consolidates e5 23.Nd2 Bb5 24.Bb3 Rxa1 25.Bxa1 Be2 26.Ne4 Kd7 27.h4 Re8 28.Kf4 Bxg4 29.Bxf6? Diagram

[ >=29.Nxf6+ is just about the only chance 29...gxf6 30.Kxg4= ] 29...Rxe4+!-+ doomsday 30.Kxe4 gxf6 31.c4 [ 31.Bc4 b5 32.Bf1 Bd1-+ ] 31...b5 32.Ba2 [ 32.cxb5 axb5 33.Bc2 Be2-+ ] 32...Kc7 33.Bb3 Kb6 34.Kf4 h5 35.cxb5 [ 35.Bc2 a fruitless try to alter the course of the game 35...Ka5 36.cxb5 axb5-+ ] 35...axb5 36.Bc2 Ka5 37.Ke3 Kb4 38.Kd2 Kc4 39.Bd3+ Kxd5 40.Bxb5 Ke5 [ 40...Ke5 41.Be8 Kxf5-+ ] 0-1

(2) Joe Oszvald (2157) - Gavin Steininger (1860) [B21]
NVCC simul 2002, 05.06.2002
[Fritz 7 (7s)]

B21: Sicilian: 2 f4 and Morra Gambit 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.c3 [ 4.Nxd4 Qb6 5.Nb3 Nf6+/= ] 4...dxc3 5.Nxc3 g6 6.Bc4 Bg7 7.0-0 [ 7.Qd5!? e6 8.Qd6+/= ] 7...Nf6 Black should quickly conclude development. 8.Qe2 0-0 9.Rd1 Qc7 10.Nb5 Qb8 11.g3 [ >=11.Bg5!?= deserves consideration] 11...a6 12.Nc3 Ne5 [ 12...d6 13.Bg5-/+ ] 13.Bf4 [ >=13.Nxe5!? would keep White alive 13...Qxe5 14.f4= ] 13...Nxf3+=/+ 14.Qxf3 d6 Diagram

Consolidates e5 15.a4? [ >=15.Nd5 is the best option White has 15...Nxd5 16.Bxd5 Bxb2 17.Rab1=/+ ] 15...Bg4-+ 16.Qe3 Bxd1 17.Rxd1 Qc8 18.Bb3 Qh3 19.f3 h6 20.Qb6 Qh5 [ 20...Nd7 21.Qf2-+ ] 21.Kg2 Qc5 [ >=21...Rac8!? 22.e5 Nd7 23.Qf2-+ ] 22.Qxc5-/+ dxc5 23.e5 [ 23.Be3 Rfd8-+ ] 23...Nh5 24.Rd7 Nxf4+ 25.gxf4 e6 26.Ne4 Rfd8 27.Rxb7 Rab8 28.Rxb8 Rxb8 29.Nxc5? [ 29.Bc4 Rxb2+ 30.Kg3-+ ] 29...Bf8 [ 29...Bf8 30.Nxe6 Rxb3-+ ( 30...fxe6?! 31.Bxe6+ Kg7 32.b3-+ ) ] 0-1

(3) Joe Oszvald (2157) - Mehrdad Yousefzadeh (2048) [A18]
NVCC simul 2002, 05.06.2002
[Fritz 7 (7s)]

A18: English Opening: Flohr-Mikenas System (1 c4 Nf6 2 Nc3 e6 3 e4) 1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e6 Prevents intrusion on d5 3.e4 d5 4.e5 d4 5.exf6 dxc3 6.fxg7 cxd2+ 7.Bxd2 Bxg7 8.Qc2 c5 [ 8...Qf6 9.Bc3 e5 10.Nf3= ] 9.Nf3 Nc6 10.0-0-0 Qc7 11.Bd3 Bd7 12.a3 Covers b4 [ 12.Bxh7 Nb4 13.Bxb4 cxb4+/= ] 12...0-0-0 13.Bxh7 Nd4 14.Nxd4 Bxd4 Diagram

The black bishop is well posted. 15.f4?? White is ruining his position [ >=15.h4= would bring relief] 15...f5-+ 16.Bg6 Rdg8 17.Bf7 Rg7 18.Bxe6 Bxe6 19.g3 Qc6 20.Rde1 [ 20.Qd3 Rd7 21.Qc2 Bf2-+ ] 20...Rxg3! the end. 21.Rxe6 [ 21.hxg3 A pinning theme 21...Rxh1 ] 21...Qxh1+ 22.Re1 Rg1 23.Qxf5+ Kb8 24.Qe6 Rxe1+ 25.Bxe1 [ 25.Qxe1 doesn't improve anything 25...Qxe1+ 26.Bxe1 Rxh2-+ ] 25...Qxh2 26.Qd6+ [ 26.Bd2 the only chance to get some counterplay 26...Bxb2+! Demolition of pawn structure 27.Kc2-+ ] 26...Ka8 27.Bd2 Qe2 [ 27...Qe2 28.Qd5 a6-+ ] 0-1

(4) Joe Oszvald (2157) - Otto Rasmussen [C25]
NVCC Simul 2002, 05.06.2002
[Fritz 7 (7s)]

C25: Vienna Game: Alternatives to 2...Nf6 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.f4 d6 4.Nf3 Bg4 5.Bb5 a6 6.Bxc6+ bxc6 7.h3 Bxf3 8.Qxf3 Nf6 9.d3 Be7 10.0-0 h6 [ >=10...Nd7!?+/= should not be overlooked] 11.fxe5+- dxe5 12.Be3 [ 12.Qg3 Rg8+- ] 12...0-0 13.Ne2 Nh7 14.Ng3 Ng5 15.Qf2 [ 15.Qg4 Rb8 16.Rab1 Kh8+/- ] 15...Qd7 [ >=15...Ne6!?+/- ] 16.Nf5+- Diagram

16...Rfe8? [ 16...Ne6 17.Qg3 ( ‹17.Nxe7+ Qxe7 18.Qg3 Nd4+/- ) 17...Kh7 18.Nxe7 Qxe7 19.Qxe5+- ] 17.Qg3 [ 17.h4 and White can already relax 17...Nh7 18.Qg3 Bf6 19.Bxh6 g6+- ] 17...Bf8? [ >=17...Kh7+- ] 18.h4 g6 [ 18...Ne6 is one last hope 19.Nxh6+ Kh7 20.Rxf7 Re7+- ] 19.hxg5 gxf5 20.gxh6+ Kh7 21.Rxf5 Qe6 [ 21...Re7+- there is nothing better in the position] 22.Raf1 Re7 23.Rf6 Qd7 24.R1f5 Rae8 [ 24...Rb8 25.Bc5 Kh8 26.Bxe7 Qd4+ 27.Kh2 Qe3 28.Qxe3 Bxe7 29.Rxf7 Bh4 30.Qc5 Bf6 31.Rf8+ Rxf8 32.Qxf8+ Kh7 33.Qxf6 a5 34.Qg7# ] 25.Rg5 Re6 [ 25...Rd8 doesn't do any good 26.Rg7+! and the rest is history 26...Kh8 27.Rg8+ Kh7 28.Rxf7+ Rxf7 29.Qg6# ] 26.Rg7+! leaving no more doubts 26...Kh8 [ 26...Bxg7 27.Qxg7# The nicest combinations are those leading to mate] 27.Rfxf7 [ 27.Rg8+ Kh7 28.Rxf8 Rxf8 29.Qg7# ] 27...Qxf7 28.Rxf7 Rxh6 [ 28...Rd8 is not much help 29.Rxf8+! Annihilates a defender: f8 29...Rxf8 30.Qg7# ] 29.Rxf8+! Eliminates the defender f8 29...Rxf8 Decoy theme: f8 1-0

(5) Joe Oszvald (2157) - Vas Sladek (2108) [B53]
NVCC simul, 05.06.2002
[Fritz 7 (7s)]

B53: Sicilian: 2...d6: Lines with Qxd4 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 Prevents intrusion on e5 3.d4 cxd4 4.c3 [ 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nbd7+/= ] 4...dxc3= 5.Nxc3 a6 Covers b5 6.Bc4 e6 Secures d5 7.0-0 Ne7 8.Bg5 Qc7 9.Qe2 Nbc6 10.Rac1 Qb8 [ 10...Ng6 11.Rfd1+/= ] 11.a4 Bd7 Black is behind in development. 12.Rfd1 Ng6 13.h4 [ 13.Qd2 Qc7= ] 13...h6 14.Be3 Be7 15.h5 Nge5 16.Bb3 Nxf3+ 17.Qxf3 [ Inferior is 17.gxf3 b5=/+ ] 17...b5 18.Qg3 Bf6 19.axb5 [ 19.Rxd6?? Be5 20.f4 Bxd6 ( 20...Qxd6?! 21.fxe5 Qxe5 22.Bf4 Qc5+ 23.Kf1 Qxh5 24.axb5-+ ) 21.Qxg7 Rf8-+ ; Less advisable is 19.Qxd6 Qxd6 20.Rxd6 Be5= ] 19...axb5 20.Qxd6 Qxd6 21.Rxd6 Ne5 [ 21...Na5 22.Rcd1 Bc6 23.Bb6 Bxc3 24.bxc3 Nxb3 25.Rxc6= ] 22.Rcd1 0-0 [ 22...b4!? 23.Na2 Be7= ] 23.f4 [ 23.Rxd7 Nxd7 24.Rxd7 Ra1+ 25.Rd1 Rfa8+- ] 23...Ng4+/= Diagram

24.Bb6 Be8 25.R6d3 [ 25.e5 Be7 0.47/9 3 26.R6d2 0.41/9 8 Ra6 0.53/8 5 27.Bf2 0.03/8 7 f6 0.12/8 9 28.Bd4 -0.09/7 6 fxe5 -0.34/8 5 29.fxe5 -0.62/9 5 ] 25...Be7 [ 25...b4 26.Ne2 Bb5= ] 26.Rg3 [ >=26.e5!?+/= and White can hope to live] 26...Nf6=/+ 27.Rh3 [ 27.Re3 Nxh5 28.Ne2 b4=/+ ] 27...b4-/+ 28.e5 [ 28.Ne2 Nxe4 29.g4 Bc6-/+ ] 28...Nd7 29.Na4? [ >=29.Bf2 Nc5 30.Bc2 bxc3 31.Rxc3-+ ] 29...Nxb6-+ 30.Nxb6 Bc5+ 31.Kh2 Bxb6 32.g4 Ba4 [ 32...Bb5 and Black can already relax 33.Kg3-+ ] 33.g5 [ 33.Bxa4 Rxa4 34.Rb3 f6-+ ] 33...Bxb3 [ 33...hxg5 keeps an even firmer grip 34.fxg5 Bc7 35.Re1-+ ] 34.Rxb3 Bc5 [ 34...hxg5 makes it even easier for Black 35.fxg5 Bc7 36.Rxb4-+ ] 35.Rg3 [ 35.gxh6 gxh6 36.Rbd3 Ra2-+ ] 35...hxg5 36.Rxg5 Kh7 37.Rd3 [ 37.Rg2 cannot undo what has already been done 37...Kh6-+ ] 37...Rad8 38.Rdg3 Rg8 39.Kh3 Be7 40.R5g4 Rd4 [ 40...Kh6 might be the shorter path 41.Rg2-+ ] 41.b3 [ 41.f5 does not solve anything 41...Rxg4 42.Kxg4 exf5+ 43.Kxf5 Kh6-+ ] 41...Re4 42.Rd3 Bc5 43.Rd7 Rf8 44.Rc7 Be3 45.Kg3 Bd2 46.Rd7 Bc3 47.Kf3 [ 47.Rd1 cannot change what is in store for ? 47...Re2-+ ] 47...Re1 48.Rg2 Rb1 49.Ke4 Rxb3 50.f5 [ 50.Rd3 is no salvation 50...Kh6-+ ] 50...exf5+ 51.Kxf5 Rb2 [ 51...Rb1 seems even better 52.Re2-+ ] 52.Rg5 [ 52.Rxb2 does not improve anything 52...Bxb2 53.Rb7 Bc3-+ ] 52...Bxe5 [ 52...Bxe5 53.Rg1 Bc3-+ ] 0-1

(6) Joe Oszvald (2157) - Balin Fleming (1901) [B53]
NVCC simul, 05.06.2002
[Fritz 7 (7s)]

B53: Sicilian: 2...d6: Lines with Qxd4 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.c3 dxc3 5.Nxc3 Nc6 6.Bc4 a6 7.0-0 e6 8.Qe2 b5 9.Bb3 Bb7 10.Rd1 Qc7 11.Bf4 Rd8 12.Rac1 Be7 Black should quickly conclude development. [ 12...Nf6 13.Nd4= ] 13.Nd5 Qb8 [ Instead of 13...exd5 14.exd5 Nf6 15.Re1+- ] 14.Nb6 [ 14.Nxe7!? is an interesting idea 14...Ngxe7 15.Qd2+/= ] 14...Nf6=/+ Diagram

15.Ng5 [ 15.Bc2 Ne5=/+ ] 15...h6 16.Nxe6 fxe6 17.Bxe6 Traps the king in the center 17...Ne5 18.Nd5 Bxd5 19.exd5 Nfd7 20.Qh5+ g6 Controls f5 21.Qh3 Nf8 22.Bxe5 dxe5 23.Qf3 Rh7 24.Rc6 'the rook is the rook!' 24...Qb7 25.Bh3 [ 25.Bg4 Rf7 26.Qe3 Rxd5=/+ ] 25...Rf7 26.Qc3 Bd6 [ >=26...Rf6 27.Rc1 Kf7-+ ] 27.Rxd6? [ >=27.Bc8 the only rescuing move 27...Qa7 28.Rd2=/+ ] 27...Rxd6-+ 28.Qxe5+ Qe7 29.Qc3 Qc7 30.Qe5+?! offers little resistance [ 30.Qd2 Re7 31.g3-+ ] 30...Re7 31.Qh8 Qc2 32.Rf1 Qe4 [ 32...Rxd5!? makes it even easier for Black 33.Qxh6 Rd1 34.g3-+ ] 33.Qxh6 [ 33.Be6 Rh7 34.Qg8 Qe5-+ ] 33...Qxd5 34.b3 [ 34.Qh4 does not help much 34...Qxa2 35.Qf4 Qd5-+ ] 34...Qd2 35.Qh4 Re1 36.g3 Rxf1+ 37.Bxf1 Qd4 38.Qh3 Rf6 39.Qg2 Kf7 40.h4 [ 40.h3 hardly improves anything 40...Nd7-+ ] 40...Nd7 41.Be2 Ne5 42.h5 [ 42.Qf1 doesn't get the bull off the ice 42...Kg7-+ ] 42...Ng4 [ >=42...gxh5 might be the shorter path 43.Bxh5+ Kg7-+ ] 43.Qb7+ [ 43.Bxg4 is the last straw 43...Qxg4 44.Qb7+ Kg8 45.hxg6-+ ] 43...Kg8 44.Qc8+ Rf8 45.Qxg4 [ 45.Bc4+ the last chance for counterplay 45...bxc4 46.Qxc4+ Qxc4 47.bxc4 Rxf2 48.hxg6 Rxa2 49.c5-+ ] 45...Qxf2+ 46.Kh1 Qe1+ [ 46...Qe1+ 47.Kh2 Rf2+ 48.Kh3 Qh1# ] 0-1

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