My apologies for this being a week late, but I was out of town due to a death 
in the family.  As before, your editor welcomes any and all submissions for 
this bulletin - news of upcoming events, tournament reports, and anything 
else that might be of interest to the BC chess community  To subscribe, send 
an e-mail to me (stphwrg@aol.com) or sign up via the BCCF webpage ( British 
Columbia Chess Federation ); if you no longer wish to receive this bulletin, 
just let me know.

Stephen Wright


Both Vancouver and Victoria have initiated junior grand prix this year - for 
details and schedules see

 British Columbia Chess Federation or  Greater Victoria Junior Chess

Vancouver Grand Prix # 1

Thirty-five players participated in Vancouver's first junior event of the new 
season at the freshly-renovated Vancouver Bridge Centre.  Most of the players 
were placed in Quads and played in three-game round robins; the remainer took 
part in a five-round swiss.  Prize winners from the Quads were: Lucas Davies 
and Yamei Wang, Gavin Atkinson and Noam Davies, Peter Sum and Lawrence Bau 
(tied), Danny Yu and Thomas Chow, Monika Prokopowicz and Lesley Cheng (tied), 
Ovidiu Almasan and Jasenko Dzinovic (tied), and Lo-Ching Chow and Lara 
Heppenstall.  In the swiss unrated Louie Jiang took top honours, followed by 
Alexandra Botez and Raymond Soo.  Katherine Davies directed, assisted by 
Bruce Harper.

The current leaders in the Grand Prix are as follows:

Atkinson, Gavin          4.7 
Davies, Lucas            4.4 
Yu, Danny                4.3 
Chow, Lo-Ching           4.0 
Wang, Yamei              3.9 
Sum, Peter               3.9 
Bau, Lawrence            3.9 
Davies, Noam             3.7

However, there are still seven more events to go, so there is plenty of time 
for the lead to change - remember, you only count your top six results.

Upcoming junior events:

September 29  Chess by the Sea Girls' tournament, Crescent Beach
October 13  Island Junior Open - # 2 (Victoria)
October 19  Junior Open, Surrey
October 26  "Check or Treat!" (Victoria)
October 27  Grand Prix # 2, Strathcona Community Centre
November 9-11  BC Junior Closed, Vancouver Bridge Centre
November 14-25  World Youth Chess Championships, Crete
November 17  Island Junior Open - # 3 (Victoria)
November 24  Grand Prix # 3, Vancouver Bridge Centre
November 30  Annual BC - Washington Junior Match, Seattle
December 8  Greater Victoria City Championship

For details please visit: British Columbia Chess Federation or  Greater 
Victoria Junior Chess 

30 YEARS AGO... by Bruce Harper 

Thirty years ago my column featured a particularly evil problem which 
involves a technique known as retro-analysis.  Since "retro" is in these 
days, it seems appropriate to wreck a new generation of brains by presenting 
the problem again.  In trying to solve this mind-bender, keep in mind the 
rule that all chess problems must be legal positions (i.e., you must be able 
to reach the position legally from the normal starting position of the 
White to play and mate in three moves.

[The position is: WK: e1; WQ: f4; WR: h1; WPs: a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, h2, h3.
BK: e8; BR: a8; BB: c8; BPs: a7, a6, c6, d7, d6, g7, g6, h7.]
To solve this problem, you not only have to find the mate (which is not that 
hard), but you have to prove that Black has no defence (which is hard).  Send 
in your answers to the Editor by e-mail [stphwrg@aol.com].  The solution will 
be published in the next Bulletin.
This problem was composed by Dr. Niels Hoeg, in July 1933.  Special bonus 
points go to anyone who can answer the scary question "A doctor of what?"


"Considerable interest is being taken in living chess games that are to be 
played in the Drillhall next Saturday evening. There will be two games 
played, and in connection with each the orchestra will play an overture, 
entrance march and exit march. The entertainment is under the auspices of the 
Vancouver Chess and Checker Club, and the games will be between Mr. J. McA. 
Cameron and Mr. P. Dunne, and Mr. A. C. Brydone-Jack and Mr. W. Francis. 

The pieces will be represented as follows: Kings, Master H. Minchin and 
Master Harold Hall; queens, Miss Connie Lucas and Miss Zella Hawe; bishops, 
Miss Lyndall de la Capilaine, Miss Violet Gardiner, Miss K. Trendall and Miss 
Maude Ferguson; knights, Miss Ida Gardiner, Miss E. Burns, Miss M. Burns and 
Miss C. Trendall; Castles, Miss L. Hawe, Miss Alodia Heffing and the Misses 
Mawdsley; pawns, boys of Christ Church Boys' Brigade. 

The master of ceremonies will be Mr. J. Schmerl, and the costumes are being 
prepared by Miss Hicks." [Daily Province, Thursday, May 18, 1905] 

"A fair attendance greeted the interesting and elaborately prepared human 
chess match played in the Drillhall on Saturday evening. 

The board was laid out on the floor of the large hall, white cardboard 
squares alternating with thedark of the natural floor. On these squares were 
stationed the living chessmen. The players were Messrs. J. McA. Cameron and 
P. Dunne for the red, and Messrs. A. C. Brydone-Jack and W. Francis for the 
white. The players occupied stations on the galleries at each end of the hall 
and as one moved on a small chessboard the other called the play and it was 
duplicated on the gigantic board on the floor below. Mr. Jacob Schmerl acted 
as master of ceremonies. 

In forty-six moves the first game went to the whites, and after fifty moves 
the second game was won by the reds. To save time both games had been 
previously played out on small boards. It took the players in the original 
instance four hours to play the first and six hours to play the second game. 

The band of the Sixth Duke's Own Regiment was in attendence, and its music 
greatly enlivened the proceedings. The kings, queens, bishops, knights and 
castles were becomingly attired in robes of crimson and white. With the 
exception of the two kings, the figures were represented by young girls. The 
pawns were boys who wore sashes of red and white." [Daily Province, Monday, 
May 22, 1905] 


There are several new events listed this week, so pay attention as you read 
on!  In particular I would highlight the upcoming BC championship - all you 
higher-rated players, this is your chance to find some stiff competition and 
perhaps walk away with the Provincial bragging rights for a year.  

In connection with this, is anyone driving from Vancouver for the 
championship and has room for a passenger?  "I need a car-pool ride to the BC 
Closed in October.  I will split the cost of gas and ferry with anyone 
driving to Victoria.  I have a place to stay, I just need a ride.  Vas 
604-982-0611 [chessfm@shaw.ca]."

UVic September Swiss

Date: September 28, 2002 
Place: University of Victoria, Human & Social Development Building, Room 
Rds: 4 
Type: Swiss 
Times: 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 2:30PM, ASAP 
TC: SD/60
EF: $15 for adults, $10 for juniors, seniors, and women 
Prizes: $$BEN$$ 
Reg: At site between 8:30-9:15AM 
Contact: Jim Ferguson, (250) 384-9699, eraser7brain@hotmail.com

Bughouse October Open 

Date: Sunday, October 6, 2002. 
Location: Vancouver Bridge Center (2776 East Broadway at Kaslo St). 
Registration: 9:00-10:00 AM. 
Entry Fee: $10 for adults, $5 for juniors and seniors. 
Rounds: TBA. Minimum of 36 games. 
Time Controls: 3 min/sd. 
Partners: Players enter as individuals, and are assigned different partners  
each round. No partner is needed to enter. 
Contact: Ben Daswani -- devil1331@hotmail.com or phone 604-596-1606; 
Bruce  Harper -- bruce54321@shaw.ca or phone 604-263-8264.

UBC Tuesday Night Swiss - October - November 2002

Dates: October 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, November 5th
Place: UBC Student Union Building, Room 212
Rounds: 5 round Swiss System (one round per week)
Time: Round 1; a.s.a.p. after 7pm, Rounds 2-5; 6:30pm
Time Control: 40 moves / 90 minutes, game / 60 minutes
Entry Fee: $15, $12 UBC CC members (available at site), $8 juniors, $Free to 
masters and those joining CFC/BCCF for the first time
Registration: 6:30 - 7 pm before round 1
Prizes: Based on entries ($$BEN)
Org & TD: Lyle Craver (604)980-2040
Misc: half point byes available for rounds 1-4 when requested at least 24 
hours before game time (in person or by phone only please - no e-mail bye 
requests!) Please bring sets, clocks, etc.

BC Closed Championship

Date: October 11, 12, 13, 14
Type: 7 Round Swiss
Times: Friday will be 6:30PM, Sat and Sun 10:00AM and 4:00PM, Mon. will be 
9:00AM and A.S.A.P.
Entry Fee: $35 
Prize Fund: TBA
CFC / FIDE Rated
Time Control 40/120 minutes - SD/1 Hour
Location: University of Victoria, Human & Social Development Building, Room 
Registration: at the site.
Misc: Members of good standing in the BCCF with a CFC rating of 2000+ are 
eligible to play.
Organizer & TD: Lynn Stringer
Contact: Lynn Stringer at lynnstringer@shaw.ca ; Tel (250) 658 5207

Vancouver Thanksgiving Open

Dates: October 12, 13, 14
Place: Vancouver Bridge Centre
2776 East Broadway (at Kaslo), Vancouver
Rounds: 6
Times: 10/4, 10/4, 10/ ASAP
Type: Regular Swiss
TC: 40/120; SD/60
Byes: Rds. 1-5
EF: Adults $30, Juniors & Seniors $20 (non-CFC members add $12)
Prizes: $$ BEN
Registration: At site 9 - 9:40 am
TD: Stephen Wright
For more information please call organizers:

Katherine Davies 604-266-5842; e-mail: mail-for-katherine@telus.net
Stephen Wright: 604-221-7148; e-mail: StphWrg@aol.com

Kelowna Harvest Swiss 

Dates: Oct. 19 & 20, 2002
Type: 5 Round Swiss
Times: 9/2/7; 9/asap
Place: Sandman Inn Kelowna B.C. 2130 Harvey Ave across from Orchard Park Mall 
(250) 860-6409
Entry: $25, $20 Seniors, $15 Juniors Non CFC pay entry + $12
Prizes: BEN
TD & Org Lynn Stringer Wally Steinke & Ian Higgs wsteinke@sd22.bc.ca ph (250) 
545-6677 ianofski@cablelan.net

Burns Lake Fall Open

Date: October 26-27, 2002.
Place: Lakes District Secondary, Burns Lake, BC.
Rds: TBA
Type: Active U16 Section, Regular rated for other sections.
Times: TBA
Entry Fee: $5.00 + CFC membership
Prizes: Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals in each section.
Organizers: Doreen Loseth: (250) 692-3982 losethd@hotmail.com, Mary Warko: 
(250) 698-7422 m_warko@hotmail.com

Northshorechess.com CM Invitational 

Date: October 26-27, 2002 
Place: New Westminster, BC
Rds: 5 
Type: 6-player RR
Round times: 9, 2, 7/ 9, ASAP
TC: SD 120 
EF: $35 
Prizes: 1st $100 plus Fritz 7 software 
Reg: interested expert players (2000-2199) e-mail chessfm@shaw.ca for 
TD & Org: Vas Sladek
Misc: no smoking, CFC membership required, one ChessBase magazine EXTRA issue 
to all players completing their schedule 

Lionel Joyner Memorial 

Dates: November 9, 10, 11
Place: Vancouver Bridge Centre
2776 East Broadway (at Kaslo), Vancouver
Details: t.b.a

For more information please call organizers:

Katherine Davies 604-266-5842; e-mail: mail-for-katherine@telus.net
Stephen Wright: 604-221-7148; e-mail: StphWrg@aol.com

Vernon Silver Star (Qualifier to the BC Closed)

Dates:Nov. 9, 10, 11, 2002
Type: 6 Round Swiss
Times: noon/5; 10/4; 9/asap
Place: Village Green Hotel Vernon B.C. 4801 27th St. ph (250) 542-3331
Entry: $30, $25 Seniors, $20 Juniors Non CFC pay entry + $12
Prizes: BEN
TD & Org Wally Steinke wsteinke@sd22.bc.ca ph (250) 545-6677

UBC Tuesday Night Swiss - November - December 2002

Dates: November 12th, 19th, 26th, December 3rd, 10th
Place: UBC Student Union Building, Room 212
Rounds: 5 round Swiss System (one round per week)
Time: Round 1; a.s.a.p. after 7pm, Rounds 2-5; 6:30pm
Time Control: 40 moves / 90 minutes, game / 60 minutes
Entry Fee: $15, $12 UBC CC members (available at site), $8 juniors, $Free to 
masters and those joining CFC/BCCF for the first time
Registration: 6:30 - 7 pm before round 1
Prizes: Based on entries ($$BEN)
Org & TD: Lyle Craver (604)980-2040
Misc: half point byes available for rounds 1-4 when requested at least 24 
hours before game time (in person or by phone only please - no e-mail bye 
requests!) Please bring sets, clocks, etc.

Saturday Chess Fever

Date: Nov. 16, 23, 30, Dec. 7, 14
Location: at the Bridge Center 2776 East Broadway, Vancouver
Rds: 5
Type: Regular Swiss, 2 sections Open and Under 1700
Time: Games start at 5:00p.m.
Time Control: 30/90 G/60
Entry Fee: $25, $20 for Juniors and Masters
Prizes: $$ BEN
Org: James Kerry (604) 438-7666 and Luc Poitras (604) 438-0496

Jack Taylor Memorial Tournament

Date: November 23rd and 24th
Type: 5 Round Swiss
Entry Fee: $35 Regular, $25 for Juniors
Prize Fund: 100% of EF minus Expenses
CFC Rated
Time Control 40/90 minutes - SD/1 Hour
Location: University of Victoria, Human & Social Development Building, Room 
Registration: November 23rd 8:30AM at the site.
Organizer & TD: Lynn Stringer
Contact: Lynn Stringer at lynnstringer@shaw.ca ; Tel (250) 658 5207

Northshorechess.com CM Invitational 

Date: Nov.30-Dec. 1, 2002 
Place: New Westminster, BC
Rds: 5 
Type: 6-player RR
Round times: 9, 2, 7/ 9, ASAP
TC: SD 120 
EF: $35 
Prizes: 1st $100 plus Fritz 7 software 
Reg: interested expert players (2000-2199) e-mail chessfm@shaw.ca for 
TD & Org: Vas Sladek
Misc: no smoking, CFC membership required, one ChessBase magazine EXTRA issue 
to all players completing their schedule 

Dan MacAdam Memorial Tournament

Date: January 18th and January 19th 2003
Type: 5 Round Swiss
Entry Fee: $35 Regular, $25 for Juniors
Prize Fund: 100% of EF minus Expenses
CFC Rated
Time Control 40/90 minutes - SD/1 Hour
Location: University of Victoria, Human & Social Development Building, Room 
Registration: January 18th 8:30AM at the site.
Organizer & TD: Lynn Stringer
Contact: Lynn Stringer at lynnstringer@shaw.ca ; Tel (250) 658 5207

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