Happy New Year!
Stephen Wright
[Back issues of the Bulletin are available on the above
A match is now underway for the title of King of Vancouver, currently held
by Andrey Kostin. The challenger for the title, Gavin Steininger, won the
first game of the contest, as reported by Eduardo Azmitia:
"Gavin won the first game of the match. At the bottom are the moves
of the game. I could not stay for the analysis of the game, but it seems
that Kostin was not adequately prepared for this opening, and he ended up making
a slightly risky and not very sound sacrifice - an inaccuracy that Gavin did not
Kostin,A - Steininger,G [A67] King of Vancouver Vancouver (1),
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Nf6 3.c4 e6 4.Nc3 exd5 5.cxd5 d6
6.e4 g6 7.f4 Bg7 8.Bb5+ Nfd7 9.a4 0-0 10.Nge2 Na6 11.0-0 Nb4 12.Be3 a6 13.Bxd7
Bxd7 14.e5 Bf5 15.Ng3 Bd3 16.Nge4 Bxf1 17.Kxf1 b6 18.Nxd6 f6 19.Nc4 fxe5 20.d6
exf4 21.Bf2 Rb8 22.a5 f3 23.axb6 fxg2+ 24.Kxg2 Rxf2+ 25.Kxf2 Qh4+
A small field of sixteen players braved the winter snow and ice to
take part in the first junior Grand Prix event of the New Year. Fanhao
Meng, Lucas Davies, and Noam Davies tied for first in the Open Section with
2.5/3; there was also a tie for the U1500 prize between brothers Aviv and Arik
Milner with 1.5 points each. The Booster Section was won by Michael Wee,
Alex Sabaratnam came second.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Sladek, Vaclav 1997 x 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1
2 Fowler, Steve 1850 0
x 0 F F F 1 0 = =
3 Stephens, Desmond 1745 0 1 x 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 4
4 Dickson,
Chris 1732 0 1 1 x 1
1 1 1 0 = 6.5
5 Serafini,
Gary 1716 0 1 1 0 x
1 1 0 0 0 4
6 Werth,
Guido 1541 0 1 0
0 0 x 1 = 0 0 2.5
Chiang, Bert 1453 0 0
0 0 0 0 x 0 0 =
8 Shiu, Josh
unr 0 1 1 0 1 = 1 x
0 1 5.5
9 Co,
Gilbert unr =
= 1 1 1 1 1 1 x 1
10 Deguara, Jason unr 0 =
0 = 1 1 = 0 0 x
Vas Sladek used some skill and lots of luck to finish first on 8.5/9
points. Unrated newcomer Gilbert Co, 8 points, also went undefeated and we
hope to seem him in future BC tournaments. Third place went to club
champion Chris Dickson, 6.5.
Organized by James Kerry, the attractive feature of this event was the
players ability to arrange their matches outside of the usual Tuesday night
club meetings. I believe we will see more events with this flex format in
the future.
New Westminster chess club information: Tuesdays 07:30pm to 11:00pm, Sept to June
Place: Olivet Baptist Church,
6134 Queens Ave., New Westminster BC
Contact: Chris
Serafini - Sladek, New West flex
49...Rxf3! 50.Rxd2 Rxc4 51.gxf3 Bxd2 52.bxc4
Kf5 53.a4 Ba5 0-1
HOLY TRINITY ACTIVE (Dec.19, 2004) by Vas Sladek
Thanks to some incredible last round time scramble heroics against
organizer and TD Luc Poitras, James Kerry came first with 4/5 points; Vas
Sladek, James Chan and Hee Seid tied for second with 3.5. Top junior went to
Louie Jiang.
Site: Simon Fraser University, AQ Building Room 5026
Date: January
22, 2005
Registration: 10 am sharp!
This tournament is a fundraising event.
Entry fee is: $
Organizer: Gavin Steininger, Tel: 604 926-8057
Rules: touch move,
same as normal chess!
If you are not going to the Vancouver Island Tournament; please support
this tournament!
Bring chess sets and clocks please!
Please note the following format changes to the Victoria Grand
1) # rounds reduced to four from five
2) accelerated pairings for first round
3) games will count as 1.25 towards Grand Prix points
4) one 1/2 pt bye available per tournament
Dan MacAdam Memorial (Island Grand Prix Event #3) Jan 22-23,
TD: Lynn Stringer
Format/Time Controls: 4-round Swiss, 30/90 & G/60
Registration: 9:30-10:00
Game 1, 10 am sharp
Fees: $35 adults,
$25 juniors
Rating Info: CFC rated, CFC membership required
Lynn Stringer
DANIEL ALEXANDER MACADAM (May 30, 1885 - November 15,
The following was written by Philip Jurgens and
published in En Passant in
On May 30, Dan MacAdam will be
celebrating his 100th birthday. His name may not readily be associated
with chess in the minds of many. Normally, we tend to remember the
exceptional players, rather than the exceptional organizers. It must be
remembered that talented masters do not emerge out of a vacuum! The
hardworking individuals who lay the foundations to ensure that there is support
for the players at all levels are instrumental in stimulating interest in the
Dan MacAdam is such an
individual. He was born in St. Paul, Minnesota on May 30, 1885. He
pursued a varied and somewhat nomadic lifestyle, finally settling down in
Fredericton, New Brunswick in his late twenties. His job as an express
messenger for the Canadian Pacific Railway suited him well, enabling him to
travel throughout Canada until his retirement in
The Montréal - St. John route was
MacAdam's last major run with the CPR. He found himself with spare time in
St. John and learned to play chess from his brother-in-law. Shortly
thereafter, he began organizing chess clubs and tournaments. He was
responsible for the rejuvenation of chess throughout the Maritimes, notably in
Fredericton, Moncton and Halifax. He helped organize and run several high
school clubs in New Brunswick.
he was one of those who saw that chess was a sport for the young. He
understood that the future lies with junior chess, and he was elected Chairman
of the Maritime Youth Committee on more than one occasion. He coordinated
interscholastic chess meets and was even involved in the construction of
demonstration boards for the school
Dan MacAdam did not restrict
himself to the Maritimes: he served as a Governor and later Vice-President of
the Chess Federation of Canada, being active nationally through the 1940's and
early 1950's.
He raised substantial
money to support Canadian tournaments and to sponsor foreign tours for Abe
Yanofsky, Lionel Joyner and Paul
Within Canada, he organized
numerous simultaneous exhibitions. He travelled across Canada several
times to foster continued public interest in
Without question, one of his most
enduring contributions to Canadian chess lay in the founding of a national chess
magazine. In 1947 he started the Maritime Chess Chat which
eventually developed into the official bulletin of the Chess Federation of
Canada, Canadian Chess Chat.
Under his aegis, the magazine grew from a 2-3 page mimeographed format into a
full 45-60 page magazine with photographs, feature stories, Canadian and
international news, a problem section, annotated games and both Canadian and US
advertisers. Throughout his 9 year term (1947-1956) as editor, his
bubbling enthusiasm for chess was evident in every issue. His good
humour and friendliness shone forth. For MacAdam, the magazine was a
labour of love. He did all the mimeographing, layout and binding himself,
often working late into the night. He also absorbed the publication
deficits, a reflection of his unselfish dedication to the cause of Canadian
Dates Friday, May 20 to Monday, May 23, 2005
Location Hungarian Cultural Centre, 728 Kingsway, Vancouver BC
Sections Open, Under 2000, Under 1600
Time Control 40/120, SD/60
Rounds Open: 7 Rounds ; U2000, U1600: 6 Rounds
Round Times Friday 5:30 (Open Section only); 10, 4 / 10, 4 / 9, 3 or
Prizes Guaranteed first prizes of $1000, $600 and $400 in the
respective sections, other prizes based on entries
(Open / U2000 / U1600)
Before or on April 1, 2005
$99 / $66 / $49
Before or on May 13, 2005 $120 / $80 /
$150 / $100 / $75
Discounts Born after May 20, 1985: 50% (proof of date of
birth required)
Born before May 20, 1940: 50% (proof of date of birth
FIDE rated players w/o Titles 25%
FIDE Titled Players Free entry
Surcharge $25 extra for those players who wish to play in the Open
Section, but who have a lifetime highest rating under 2000
Registration please mail cheques (payable to BCCF) to:
British Columbia
Chess Federation, PO Box 15548, Vancouver, BC V6B 5B3
On-site Open Section: Friday, May 20, 3:00 to 5:00
U2000 and U1600: Friday, May 20, 3:00 to 10:00 pm, Saturday, May 21, 9:00
to 9:30 am
Those registering after the respective deadlines (5:00 pm Friday for the
Open, 9:30 am Saturday for the other sections) will receive pot-luck pairings or
a half-point bye in the first round
Miscellaneous CFC rated, Open Section also FIDE rated; half-point
byes may be requested for all but the last round; sets and boards
provided, please bring clocks
Contact Stephen Wright, swright2@telus.net , (604)
An updated version of the B.C. games database, BCBASE, is now available for
download. The database now has 11,500 games, with very few (if any)
doubles. Included are all the games with B.C. content from British
Columbia Chess Reports, Counterplay, and the CFC Bulletin/Chess Canada
Echecs/En Passant. A special thank you to Paul Brown for
submitting many of his own games.
The 75th FIDE Congress occurred during the recent chess olympiad in Calvia;
at the meeting of the Rules and Tournament Regulations Committee a number of
changes to the Laws of Chess were approved. These changes will not come
into effect in FIDE events until July 1, 2005, but since the CFC rules are based
directly on the FIDE rules, they will eventually become part of the standard
rules in Canada. I will only highlight some of the more important changes
- for a fuller discussion see Geurt Gijssen's November 2004 column at
From Article 1.2: Leaving one s own king
under attack, exposing one s own king to attack and also capturing the
opponent s king are not allowed.
Thus, the casual practice of taking the king is
now considered illegal by FIDE, even in active or blitz
Article 4.4d: If a player promotes a pawn, the
choice of the piece is finalized, when the piece has touched the square of
Geurt Gijssen: "There were many discussions about
when the choice of a newly promoted piece is finalized and this Article now
makes it clear. Even if a player announces queen, it does not mean he
has to choose a queen. Nevertheless, the arbiter may penalize the player
if he considers this as a disturbing act."
Article 8.1: It is forbidden to write the
moves in advance.
This makes the oft-recommended practice of writing one's move down before
playing it (Kotov's "Blumenfeld Rule") illegal under the new rules.
(Incidentally, this was already the case at the recent Canadian Championship in
Article 8.4b: If a player has less than five minutes
left on his clock and has additional time of 30 seconds or more added with each
move, both players have to write the opponent s before completing their own
This avoids the situation where one player
responds instantly without writing his opponent's move first, thus gaining the
increment for himself and forcing the opponent to write the moves down
while his own clock is running.
Article 12.2b: It is
strictly forbidden to bring mobile phones or other electronic means of
communication, not authorised by the arbiter, into the playing venue. If a
player s mobile phone rings in the playing venue during play, that player shall
lose the game. The score of the opponent shall be determined by the
Article 13.7b: It is forbidden for anybody to use a mobile phone in the
playing venue and any area designated by the
Cells phones are not the friend of the tournament
chess player (or spectator!) - do without them as much as
Article B6: An illegal move is completed once the
opponent's clock has been started. The opponent is then entitled to claim that
the player completed an illegal move before the claimant has made his move. Only
after such a claim, shall the arbiter make a ruling. However, if both kings are
in check or the promotion of a pawn is not completed, the arbiter shall
intervene, if possible.
"Matters regarding illegal moves in the previous Laws of Chess were quite
unclear. This Article introduces several new elements:
It is
now clear at which moment a player may claim an illegal move made by the
It was
previously written that the opponent may claim an illegal move before he had
touched a piece. This has been changed to before he has made a move.
are two cases in which the arbiter will intervene in a Rapid game, but not in
a Blitz game. These are the typical cases of an illegal position, i.e. a
position that cannot be reached by any possible series of legal moves.
The first case being one where both kings are in check, including
attacking each other; as well as the situation where the promoted pawn has not
been replaced by a new piece."
As noted above, at the moment these changes ONLY apply to FIDE
events AFTER July 1, 2005; however, they will likely become part of the CFC
rules in due course, so it behooves players and arbiters to be aware of them and
adjust their thinking accordingly.
SECOND DIAMOND JUBILEE OPEN (December 26-29, 1974)
From the CFC Bulletin, March-April 1975:
Canadian Champion Peter Biyiasas streaked through yet another
western tournament without trouble... he played the next eight
finishers [in the tournament, scoring 6.5/8]. The pairing system was
unique in that the first two rounds were accelerated, the next three were normal
and the last three were by class. Each player had a choice of playing in
his rating class or a higher section. Of the two players who worked up
enough courage to play in a higher class both were rewarded. Peter Dodge
won his section while Rick Ziegler an eighteen year-old from Ontario, scored a
good result in the top section. Astronomer Paul Brown dominated the 'A'
section. He is one of B.C.'s lesser-known stars because he plays
infrequently. Robert Bunge chose to finish off in the 'B' section even
though he had scored an excellent 3/4 against strong opposition in the first
part of the tournament. Unrated Peter Dodge scored a very good result,
most of his games lasting sixty or seventy moves. Philip Cody clinched his
section with one round to go. The tournament was organized and directed by
Jon Berry.
In case the Jubilee wasn't enough to satisfy even the most fanatical chess
freaks, the B.C. Speed Championship was held right after. Twenty hardened
chess players showed up to satisfy their addiction. The event proved to be
a rout for Bruce "Beat the Clock" Harper, who scored a perfect 19/19. Hot
on his heels was Alan Hill with 17/19. Mad Dog Fullbrook and B.C. Champion
Josef Oszvald tied for third and fourth with 15/19. Missing were Suttles,
Biyiasas, Macskasy, and Berry.
Taylor,G - Biyiasas,P [E69] Diamond Jubilee op 2nd
Vancouver (2), 26.12.1974
1.d4 g6 2.c4 d6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 Nf6 5.Nc3 0-0 6.Nf3 Nbd7 7.0-0 e5
8.e4 Re8 9.Re1 c6 10.h3 Qb6 11.d5 cxd5 12.cxd5 Nc5 13.Rb1 a5 14.Nd2 Bd7 15.Bf1
Qc7 16.a4 Bh6 17.Qf3 Kg7 18.Bb5 Red8 19.Kh2 Bc8 20.Nc4 Bxc1 21.Rbxc1 Nb3 22.Rcd1
g5 23.g4 Nd4 24.Qd3 h5 25.f3 Rh8 26.Kg3 hxg4 27.fxg4 Nxg4 28.hxg4 Bxg4 29.Rh1
Bxd1 30.Rxd1 Rh6 31.Rg1 Rah8 32.Kf2 Rf6+ 33.Kg2 Qc8 34.Nb6 Qg4+ 35.Qg3 Qh5
36.Rf1 Nxb5 37.Rxf6 Qh1+ 38.Kf2 Rh2+ 39.Ke3 Qc1+ 40.Kd3 Qd2+ 0-1
Biyiasas,P - Allan,D [C42] Diamond Jubilee op 2nd Vancouver (3),
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 d6 4.Nf3 Nxe4 5.d4 Be7 6.Bd3
d5 7.0-0 Nc6 8.Re1 Bg4 9.c3 f5 10.Nbd2 0-0 11.Nf1 Kh8 12.Be2 f4 13.Ne5 Nxe5
14.Bxg4 Nxf2 15.Kxf2 Bh4+ 16.g3 fxg3+ 17.Kg2 Rf2+ 18.Kg1 gxh2+ 19.Kh1 Nc4 20.Nd2
Qd6 21.Nxc4 dxc4 22.Re5 Bf6 23.Qe1 Bxe5 24.Qxf2 Rf8 25.dxe5 Qd5+ 26.Qg2 Rf1+
27.Kxh2 Qxe5+ 28.Kh3 Qe1 29.Bh6 Qxa1 30.Bxg7+ Kxg7 31.Be2+ Kh6 32.Qxf1 Qxf1+
33.Bxf1 b5 34.Bg2 Kg5 35.Bc6 a6 36.Bb7 a5 37.Kg3 Kf5 38.Kf3 Ke5 39.Ke3 Kd6
40.Be4 h5 41.Bf3 h4 42.Kd4 c5+ 43.Ke4 h3 44.a3 h2 45.Bh1 b4 46.a4 Ke6 47.Bg2 Kd6
48.Kf5 1-0
Brown,P - Reeve,J [B92]
Diamond Jubilee op 2nd
Vancouver (6), 28.12.1974
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Be2
e5 7.Nb3 Be7 8.0-0 0-0 9.Be3 Qc7 10.a4 b6 11.f4 Bb7 12.Bf3 Nc6 13.Nd5 Nxd5
14.exd5 Na5 15.Nxa5 bxa5 16.f5 Qc4 17.b3 Qb4 18.Qd3 Rfc8 19.c4 Bd8 20.Kh1 Bb6
21.Be4 f6 22.Rf3 Bxe3 23.Rxe3 Re8 24.Rh3 Qc5 25.Rf1 Re7 26.Qf3 Qc8 27.Qh5 h6
28.Rg3 Kh8 29.Rg6 Kh7 30.g4 Qf8 31.g5 Rd8 32.Rf3 Rf7 33.Rh3 fxg5 34.f6 Kg8
35.Qxh6 Rxf6 36.Qh7+ Kf7 37.Rxf6+ 1-0
Fullbrook,N - Clarke,J [B30] Diamond Jubilee op 2nd Vancouver (6),
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 e6 4.0-0 Qc7 5.Re1 Nge7 6.c3
Ng6 7.d4 a6 8.Bf1 Be7 9.d5 Nce5 10.c4 0-0 11.Nc3 Bd6 12.g3 b6 13.Nxe5 Bxe5 14.f4
Bd4+ 15.Kh1 e5 16.f5 Nh8 17.f6 Qd6 18.fxg7 Kxg7 19.Bh3 Qe7 20.Qh5 Kg8 21.Bh6 Re8
22.Bf5 Ng6 23.Rf1 d6 24.Bg5 Qf8 25.Rf3 Ra7 26.Raf1 Rc7 27.g4 Qg7 28.Bxc8 Rcxc8
29.Bf6 Qf8 30.Rh3 h6 31.Ne2 b5 32.Ng3 Nf4 33.Qg5+ Kh7 34.Rxf4 exf4 35.Nf5
To save space, from now on I will only give basic information for events -
date, place, and type. Full details for all the events listed here may be
found on the BCCF site,
Junior Events
Jan 29 School Team Event, Vancouver
Feb 6 BCIT Warmup
Feb 6 Regional CYCC, Victoria
Feb 19 School Team Finals, Vancouver
Feb 26-27 BCYCC, Vancouver
UBC Tuesday Night Swiss
Dates: January 4, 11, 18, 25, February 1
Place: UBC SUB, room 215
Type: 5-round Swiss
Vancouver Team Tournament
Dates: January 15, 16
Place: UBC SUB, rooms 214/216
Type: 5-round Swiss or round robin
Date: January 22-23
Place: University of Victoria
Type: 5-round Swiss
Vancouver Class Championships
Dates: January 28-30
Place: Vancouver Bridge Centre
Type: 5-round Swiss
Winter Open (Seasonal Grand Prix)
Dates: February 12, 13
Place: tba
Type: 4-round Swiss
Date: April 23-24
Place: University of Victoria
Type: 5-round Swiss
Spring Open (Seasonal Grand Prix)
Dates: May 7, 8
Place: tba
Type: 4-round Swiss
Paul Keres Memorial
Dates: May 20-23
Place: Hungarian Cultural Centre, 728 Kingsway, Vancouver
Type 6- or 7-round Swiss
Island Open
Date: June 11-12
Place: University of Victoria
Type: 5-round Swiss
Summer Open (Seasonal Grand Prix)
Dates: June 25, 26
Place: tba
Type: 4-round Swiss