BC Chess Scene News Archive
2006/10/01The Clubs list has been updated.
Jon Anderson is directing a five round swiss G/30 tournament to be held at the Roma Italian coffee bar on Commercial Drive on Sunday August 14 (that's right, tomorrow!).
The Roma is familiar to some chess players on Commercial Drive and has been an on-again off-again haunt for some players for years.
Registration is from noon until 1:00 pm and then the tournament will begin immediately. It should last until about 7:00 pm.
It is not a rated tournament but because it is a version of "quickplay" (game/30), we encourage anyone who has a clock to please bring it (or even loan one if you can). No memberships of chess organizations is required. Entry fee is $10. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place cash prizes which will total $300 ($150, $90, $60).
The Roma is putting up $200 and Jon Anderson is guaranteeing the other $100. The winner's name is engraved on the Pontoni trophy which permanently resides behind the counter at the Roma. Jon has held the tournament irregularly over the last 20 years.
Here are some of the past winners:
If anyone requires any further information, they can contact Jon by email.
Email: caissa@fidohiptop.ca
A fund raising tournament will start tomorrow morning at 11:15 am (4 round swiss paring, CFC rated) and runs through Sunday. The tournament site is SFU.
Details here: http://www.bjdy.com/juniorchess/BELFORT_2005.pdf
You can follow this page http://www.bjdy.com/juniorchess/events.html for upcoming junior events in June.
Jack Yoos won the 30th Paul Keres Memorial.
This is a reminder that the last event in Grand Prix series (Grand Prix #6) is on Sunday, May 15, 2005 at the bridge centre: http://www.chess.bc.ca/events3.html#jradultgrandprix , a perfect warm-up to the 30th Keres Memorial.
Thirtieth Paul Keres Memorial - May 20-23: http://www.chess.bc.ca/events3.html#paulkeres
Current registration discount will end on Friday, May 13, 2005. Many players have already registered: http://chess.bc.ca/players.html

BC junior player rating list updated: http://www.bjdy.com/juniorchess/players.html


Thanks to some incredible last round time scramble heroics against organizer and TD Luc Poitras, James Kerry came first with 4/5 points; Vas Sladek, James Chan and Hee Seid tied for second with 3.5.
Top junior went to Louie Jiang.
Vas Sladek took some photos of the players in action.

Several BC chess players participated in the Skagit Chess Fest including Vlad Gaciu, Alexandra Botez and Tanraj Sohal.
Team northshorechess.com is looking for two (2) players to join the team for the next round of the Champions League, 4 boards, 11 games, ICCF-rated. ICCF rating 1750+; committed players only. Interested players please contact Vas at chessfm@telus.net

Ben Daswani is organizing a Vancouver Grand Prix.

Vas Sladek took some photos at the Western Canadian Open held July 9 - July 18 in Richmond.

"Unsworth Elementary School Grade 5 teacher, Wendy Major, is justifiably proud. Just before classes let out for the summer, she sent a note to WIP explaining that the school's Grade 5 Team 1 took first place in the Grade 4/5 Division of the Second Annual Chief Dan George Chess Tournament on May 29. 'We had the same kids as last year, plus one new guy, so they knew the drill and had a very-clear goal,' notes Ms. Major. 'We took a Grade 5 Team 2 of kids from my class as well so you can see that Unsworth is still playing chess and that the tradition of doing so, grows every year.'"
Richmond Review News Story: Pawns in the game By Bob Mackin, Contributor
Chess tournament goes day and knight in Richmond
"Richmond's Lesley Cheng won't have far to go to play in her biggest chess tournament of the year. The Western Canadian Open began Friday at the Vancouver Airport Hotel and Conference Centre in Richmond. Cheng is the 77th seed with a 1,447 rating. Her sister Andrea is 85th with 1,240. They're among 91 chess players vying for $22,000 in prize money. American Georgi Orlov is the top seed. Swede Pia Cramling and Spaniard Juan Manuel Bellon Lopez are second and third-ranked."
This is the last reminder that the Western Canadian Open Chess Championship (July 9-18) will be officially open today at
Ramada Plaza Vancouver Airport Conference Resort
10251 St. Edwards Drive
Richmond, BC
Tel: 604.278.9611
Opening ceremory: 5:00 pm
First Round game: 6:00 pm
If you are not on the players list, you can register on site.
Please follow the tournament website for details and daily updates.
See you at the tournament!

There are now approximately 27 confirmed participants in the GM Cramling and Bellon simuls, with a number of "probables". A photographer from the Vancouver Sun will be coming to the July 4 simuls, as well as a reporter from the Richmond News. An article on GM Cramling, the July 7 Pairs event and the Western Canadian Open is scheduled to appear in the Vancouver Sun on the morning of July 7. There will be a concession for snacks and we plan to order pizza for consumption between the two simuls. Anyone interested in playing should e-mail me directly to let me know.
This is a reminder that current discount for Western Canadian Open is ending in 3 days (25% additional discount for junior players). So far 80 players have registered. You can register online. The latest details are on the Website for the 2004 Western Canadian Open.

A Preregistration List is available.
Cancellation Notice:
George Hara's Kamloops Grand Prix for 2004 has been cancelled.

New: Preregistration List is now available
The Western Canadian Open will be held July 9 to 18 at the Vancouver Airport Conference Resort. Latest details are at www.chessbc.com.

IM Vitomir Arapovic demolished his opposition 9.5-0.5 in a June 3, 2004 chess simul organized by northshorechess.com and generously hosted by the Croatian Cultural Centre.
Our new domain is now up and running.
The new server will also allow several improvements to the site that were not possible on the old server.
Added a photo gallery from the 2004 Keres Memorial.

Vicente Lee won the Under 2000 section, and Brian Bowes was first under 1600.
Download the 2004 games in PGN format (preliminary copy).
Henry Chiu's 24 Hour Marathon will be held on August 28.
After three rounds at the 29th Annual Paul Keres Memorial, Georgi Orlov and Jack Yoos lead the field with 3 points.
Chess simul with IM Vitomir Arapovic
Hosted by the Croatian Cultural Society "Napredak" and Croatian Chess Club
When: Sunday May 30, 2004, (1:00PM)
Where: Croatian Cultural Centre,
3250 Commercial Drive, Vancouver
Entrance through the Members Lounge or Restaurant
Fee: Adults $10, Seniors and Juniors $5
Equipment: Please bring your own Chess Set
Blitz Tournament will follow the simul
EF: $5
Prizes: Based on Entries
Contact: Slaven Mandic 604-726-4716 or
Branimir Brebrich
John Niksic
Robert Tropic
Chess simul series with IM Vitomir Arapovic
Presented by www.northshorechess.com
When: Wednesday May 19, 2004
Where: Brentwood, Burnaby
Time: start after 6pm
Fee: $10/2 games
Prizes: first player to defeat or draw Arapovic wins a prize.
Spaces: 15+
Equipment: please bring your own chess set, scoresheets provided
Registration: interested players MUST pre-register to play; no walk-ins.
Contact: Vas Sladek 604-562-3736 chessfm@shaw.ca
On Sunday May 16 there will be an open house/party in honour of Lynn Stringer, specifically to recognize her awarding of the IA title and entry into the Canadian Chess Hall of Fame. This will take place at the home of Brian Raymer in Victoria from 2:00 to 5:00 pm. If anyone is interested they should contact Brian directly at the address below:



A photo gallery from the 2004 Championship is available.

Information: Grant Rice 250-979-0009
Come play bughouse - a great way to have fun, while helping to raise money for a very worthwhile cause: The 2005 Elod Macskasy Memorial.
Date: Sunday, April 25, 2004.
Place: Van. Bridge Centre - 2776 E. Broadway @ Kaslo St.
Registration: 9:30-9:45 AM.
Start Time: 10:00 AM.
Entry Fee: $15; $10 for juniors and seniors. Entrants receive a $5 discount for pre-registering.
Pre-registration: Email devil1331@hotmail.com.
Format: Minimum 8 rounds of 6 games each.
Time Control: 3 mins.
More Info: Ben Daswani - devil1331@hotmail.com.
Note: All proceeds will go towards the Elod Macskasy Memorial. Tournament will be rated using the Bughouse BC rating system (visit the link below).
Bughouse BC - www.bug.chessbc.com
My previous email provider abruptly withdrew from the BC market. On Friday they shutdown and purged my email account without any notice. Anything sent to me since last Thursday was lost. Thanks to the folks at Telus for getting me a new address so quickly: mkbarnes@telus.net


The results page for the Lower Mainland 2003-04 Team Championship has been updated at:
An open fundraising event, the Pairs 4000 Tournament, will be held on March 20 at the Vancouver Bridge Center, to raise money to help bring titled players to the 2005 Elod Macskasy Memorial tournament. Contact Richard Reid rreid@smartt.com for more details.
Volunteers needed!!!
There are a hundred and one tasks, large and small, to be completed before and during the Western Canadian Open, to ensure that this year's premiere event is a memorable one! If you are willing to help out, please contact Bruce Harper at bruce54321@shaw.ca.
The 7th Annual International Chess Jam 2004 took place Saturday, February 14 at Ferndale High School in Ferndale, Washington. 101 students from Canada to Seattle competed, with a few visitors from Oregon also thrown in for good measure. (31 players in the High School section, 70 in the Junior section.) In all, 320 tournament games of chess were played and will be rated by the Washington High School Chess Association.
Jason Lee, 11th grader from Seaquam Secondary School, Vancouver B.C., is the new Chess Jam Grand Champion, scoring 4 wins and 1 loss.
Lo-Ching Chow, 8th grader from Seaquam, Vancouver, is the Chess Jam 2004 Junior Champion, scoring 6 wins and 1 draw in the 7-round Junior Division.
Other performances by B.C. players:
Richard Huang, 5th grader from Edmonds Community School in Burnaby, placed 2nd Overall in the Junior division, losing only to Lo-Ching Chow in the semi-final round.
Thomas Chow, 5th grader from Cougar Canyon school, placed 6th overall in the Junior Division, scoring five wins and two losses (to Grand Champion Lo-Ching Chow and Paul Jackson of Bellevue, Washington.)
David Choi, 4th grader from St George's Junior School, scored 3 wins of 7.
The full International Chess Jam 2004 crosstable, along with results and news of other scholastic events in Northwest Washington, can be found at the Northwest Washington Scholastic Chess website at http://ourworld.cs.com/kaech5 .
Little Mountain vs. Croatian Chess Club was won by Little Mountain 4.5-1.5
Grant Rice, who is directing the upcoming Kelowna Winter Fest Chess Tournament 2004, is also organizing a Regular rated round robin in March 2004 for a smaller number of players. The games will be played on Sunday in Kelowna. He is thinking about the last three Sundays in March. If interested, please contact Grant Rice at 250-979-0009 or ridebike@okanagan.net. Last year saw 7 players play 5 Sundays with Mike Kindret finishing undefeated.

Exhibition Chess Match
Hosted by The Croatian Chess Club & Little Mountain Chess Club
Sunday February 8th (1:00 P.M.)
Place: Croatian Cultural Centre
3250 Commercial Drive Vancouver B.C.
Entrance through the Members Lounge or Restaurant.
Everybody is welcome to attend an exhibition match between the teams of The Croatian Chess Club and Little Mountain Chess Club.
A casual Blitz Tournament and a party will follow the match. Special prizes for the winners of the Blitz tournament courtesy of First Chess Enterprises (www.northshorechess.com)
Contact for more information:
Robert Topic 604-298-0543 (bernardtopic@shaw.ca)
Eduardo Azmitia (azmitia@interchange.ubc.ca)


Seven, yes, seven rounds of chess in the 4th-8th grade division (normal Swiss), five rounds for the High School (9th-12th grade) division (Game/45 "McMahon" Swiss pairings). Dubbed "International" because this event sees some good British Columbia players make the short trip down for a piece of the action. In fact, Canadian players won both divisions last year! Full details, map, last year's results, how to enter from Canada, T-shirt info, FAQ etc. are at http://ourworld.cs.com/kaech5/jam04.html .
If no web access, email TD Kaech at kaech5@cs.com for entry details.

On Saturday, January 31, 2004, the British Columbia Chess Federation will hold the preliminary round of the British Columbia primary school team championship. This event is open to all elementary schools (grades 1-7) in the province. The top 6 teams (only) will advance to the finals, to be held at St. George's Senior School on February 28, 2004. Space is limited, and therefore entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Each school is limited to two teams in each event. Players may only play for the school they attend.
For additional information or to register, contact: Bruce Harper 3641 West 48th Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V6N 3R2 Tel: 604-666-6334 (day) 604-263-8264 (evening) Fax: 604-666-3698 e-mail: bruce54321@shaw.ca
The results page for the Lower Mainland 2003-04 Team Championship has been updated:
This includes the Dec.17 NW Vancouver - Surrey match using Peter's new reporting format.
Michael Yip won the last stage of the Little Mountain Active Grand Prix, but Lucas Davies became the absolute champion of the Grand Prix.

Mehrdad Yousefzadeh and Louis McCusey won The Vancouver Winter Chess Tournament. Twenty players competed in the tournament. Ten of these players were adults, and the other ten were juniors. About seven of players were on the 1000-1500 range, and the rest were on the 1500-2000 range. Mehrdad Yousefzadeh won the upper section by winning all of his games. Second place was shared by Edward Tang, Richard Reid, and Peter Yee, all of them got 3 points. Louis McCusky won the U1500 section with 3 points. Second place was also shared by four people: Tiffany Tang, Richard Huang, Laura Harper and Lara Heppenstall all with 2 units.
In addition to the prize money, Mehrdad received a copy of Fritz, and Louis a CD with an edition of ChessBase Magazine. These prizes were courtesy of ChessFirst! Enterprises.


Junior Calendar addition:
BC players from 4th - 12th grades are invited to Ferndale, Washington (15 minutes south of the border) to participate in the seventh Annual International Chess Jam 2004, to be held on Saturday, February 14, 2004. Full entry information can be found at http://ourworld.cs.com/kaech5/jam04.html .
Director, Chess Jam 2004: Randy Kaech, 360-384-2792
Valentina Goutor (BC women Champion 2003) will be giving a simul for juniors U1500 at the Little Mountain Chess Club.
SIMUL Date & Time: December 17 at 8:00 PM; 2 games for $3.00.
The Little Mountain Chess club is hosting the Vancouver Winter Chess Tournament at the Bridge Centre on December 20 and 21st. If it is possible, please distribute the information with members of your club. Everyone is welcome.

Added Len Molden's report on the 2003 BC - Washington State Match.
British Columbia - Washington State
BCIT, Dec.6
1. Oliver Schulte - Elliott Neff .05-.05
2. Jack Yoos - Nat Koons 1-0
3. Harry Moore - Curt Collyer 0-1
4. Brian McLaren - Fred Kleist 1-0
5. Dan Scoones - Mike Franett 0-1
6. Laszlo Tegzes - Mike Schemm 0-1
7. Mike Stanford - Paul Zurybida 1-0
8. Eduardo Moura - Geoffrey Gale .05-.05
9. Jesse Bouvier - Meir Lakhovsky 1-0
10. Dragoljub Milicevic - Elston Cloy 1-0
The results page for the Lower Mainland 2003-04 Team Championship is now posted at:
Advance registrations are now being taken for the Western Canadian Open which will be held July 9 to 18, 2004. Details are at the event site www.chessbc.com.

BC's Junior Champ invited to compete at Calgary
The Alberta Chess Association is hosting the 2004 Canadian Junior Championship, January 2-6, 2004. A free entry will be given to any provincial junior champ who provides an official letter or e-mail letter from a provincial association.
Contact the Alberta Chess Association Junior Coordinating Committee, (780) 473-1557 or e-mail: rovingchessnuts@shaw.ca
Advance registrations are now being taken for the 29th Annual Paul Keres Memorial.

December 6th will witness the first adult B.C. - Washington team match in over twenty-five years; the ten-board adult match will take place at the same time and location as the scholastic match, at the Student Association Campus Centre at BCIT, starting at 11:00 am. The B.C. players scheduled to take part are: Oliver Schulte, Jack Yoos, Bruce Harper, Brian McLaren, Dan Scoones, Harry Moore, Laszlo Tegzes, Mike Stanford, Dragojlub Milicevic, and Jesse Bouvier. Lynn Stringer will be the TD, Len Molden is the B.C. organizer, and the team captain is Joe Oszvald. Spectators are welcome.
Eduardo Azmitia reports: James Chan won the first edition of UBC's Any Given Sunday very convincingly. He seemed unstoppable until he lost his last game to Willian Jung, who ironically was defeated by the lowest rated player of the tournament in a previous game. I am quite safe to say that the players enjoyed the tournament and created a very nice and friendly enviroment with good sportmanship.
James Chan 4.0/5
Peter Sum 2.5/5
Andrei Kostin 2.0/4
Jason Feng 2.0/4
William Jung 1.5/3
Mike Miller 0.5/2
Edua. Azmitia 0.5/3
Look forward seeing you in the next edition.
We will have Any Given Sunday on December as well, I just have to confirm the room numbers. Next year, we will continue with the same style of tournament, but it is still undetermined the day and time. We might have to move it to saturdays. It depends on room availability, and other tournaments as we will try to accomodate in order to avoid overlaps.



Players are more than welcome to join the next stage of the Little Mountain Grand Prix. Here are the standings.
Poitras, Luc 4.5
Davies, Lucas 3.5
Azmitia, Luis Eduardo 3.0
Kostin, Andrey 3.0
Davies, Noam 2.5
Feng, Jason 2.0
Cooper, Devon 2.0
King, Kyle 1.0
Pickering, Austin 1.0
Sabaratnam, Alex 0.0

Updated: BC Championship crosstables, updated, and with a separate page for FIDE reports; BC Champions, updated (1932 and 1933 added); 1961 BC - WA Match, revised.

The Western Canadian Open will be held July 9 to 18, 2004. Details are at the event site www.chessbc.com.
Join fellow chess enthusiasts on Saturday, Nov. 15, 2003, for a full day of entertainment by challenging assorted masters in a continuous simultaneous exhibition. Here's your chance to play against GM Duncan Suttles, FM Oliver Schulte, FM Jack Yoos, FM Bruce Harper, Fanhao Meng, Luc Poitras and other masters and experts.


Henry Chiu has written a report on the Mad Chess Festival.

Fourteen (14) speed chess players required as "special skill extras" for Blade 3 movie to be shot in Vancouver.
Proposed date is October 8 at $25.50/hour. No age restrictions, recent photo required.
Interested speed chess players please send a recent picture and contact details to:
Chess First! Enterprises, chessfm@shaw.ca, 604-787-4553 (voice mail) or Chess First! Enterprises 408-1641 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2J5.
Thank you.
Vas Sladek
Chess First! Enterprises www.northshorechess.com
A movie company is filming the motion picture "Blade 3" and needs 14 speed chess players on Wednesday, October 8 from 8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon. The pay is $25.00 an hour.
You'll also probably get some catered food and a chance to work with a movie star like Wesley Snipes (and maybe some others).
If you're interested in participating, please inform me as soon as possible. Peter Yee of the Surrey Chess Club will be providing the final list to the movie producer.
Len Molden, Poco Chess Club chess@chessmastery.com


Vas Sladek has provided photos from the Yanofsky Memorial:

Vas Sladek has provided two video clips:
Yanofsky Memorial reception, l-r FM Lipnowski, GM Spraggett, GM Bisguier
GM Olafsson-v. GM Spraggett

Titles approved at the 2nd Quarter FIDE Presentational Board Meeting included the awarding of the International Arbiter title to Mark Barnes, Lyle Craver, and Lynn Stringer.
Challenge the Masters at the Multi-Master Simul Tournament. A 2005 Elod Macskasy Memorial Fundraising Event will be held September 7, 2003, at the Vancouver Bridge Center. Join fellow chess enthusiasts for a full day of entertainment by challenging three teams of masters in a 3 round simultaneous tournament. Here's your chance to play against teams consisting of GM Duncan Suttles, FM Jack Yoos, FM Bruce Harper, Fanhao Meng, and other masters/experts.
George Hara's Kamloops Grand Prix for 2004 has been revised.
The new structure of Nick Beqo's Sunday tournaments is here: http://www.nickbeqo.com/chess/id125.htm
Sunday Tournaments
Practice your openings and improve your chess, by playing in a quiet and beautiful park!
You get to know the pairings one day before, so you can study your opponents, and your home preparations will surprise us! Games, often annotated by players or masters, will be available.
Dates: Every Sunday (sunny or rainy), 12:00PM - 6:00PM
Entry Fee: $5.00 Free entry for the highest rated player!
Prizes: 1st - $30.00 2nd - $20.00.
Location: Bear Creek Park, Surrey, B.C. The covered area on 140th Street side.
The park is between King George Hwy, 140th Street, 88th Ave & 84th Ave.
To get there, you can take a bus from King George skytrain station.
Participants and pairings: based on FIDE or CFC ELO active rating system.
Time control: G15
Rounds: 11 Round Robin. 30min. break after the 6th round (3:00-3:30)
Sponsors: none (so far). All sponsors will be advertised on this website.
Registrations: via e-mail at: nickbeqo@hotmail.com Dead line: Friday 11:00 PM.
Bring your own chess set, and clock.
a) Sportsmanship is required. No draw offers or draw claims, unless DEAD DRAW!
This rule is not only because it is a speed chess tournament, but also because there would be no room for pre-arrangements in order to split the prize. It will be unfair to other players.
b) Rated events require at least 25 min time control. This will reduce both, the number of players for a round robin-event, and also the prizes, since a part of entry fees has to go to Federation. Depends on the number of players, I might run two events at the same time:
1. unrated tournament with 12 players, and 15 min time control.
2. rated tournament with 6 players, and 25 min time control.
c) I am organizing this tournament in order to help chess players, especially in Fraser Valley, as it is too far to play in Croatian Center or Vancouver Bridge Center. Therefore, chess players are going to make the tournament rules, not me. I am open to suggestions and make the respective changes.
Remember: 100% of the entry fees go to prizes!
I appreciate your time and your help!
Truly yours
Early Registrations for the BC Open, August 2-4, can be sent to the BCCF, PO Box 15548, Vancouver BC, V6B 5B3. This BC Championship Qualifierwill be a FIDE rated event. Tournament details are available on the Forthcoming Events page.
George Hara's Kamloops Grand Prix for 2004 has been announced.
Nick Beqo's tournament:
Dates: Every Sunday, sunny or rainy!
Entry Fee: $10.00
Prizes: 1st - $70.00, 2nd - $30.00.
Time: 12:00PM - 6:00PM
Time control: G15
Rounds: 11 Round Robin.
I 12:00 - 12:30
II 12:30 - 1:00
III 1:00 - 1:30
IV 1:30 - 2:00
V 2:00 - 2:30
VI 2:30 - 3:00
Break: 3:00 - 3:30
VII 3:30 - 4:00
VIII 4:00 - 4:30
IX 4:30 - 5:00
X 5:00 - 5:30
XI 5:30 - 6:00
Bear Creek Park, 140th Street & 88th Ave, Surrey. Entrance from 140th Street.
Registrations: via e-mail at: nickbeqo@hotmail.com Dead line: Friday 11:00 PM.
Special instructions:
Bring your own chess set, clock, score sheets, coffee or snack!
You have to write the game until the last 5-min for Internet coverage.
No draw offers and draw claims, unless DEAD DRAW
No arguing or complaints, or just do not play!
Truly yours
Received: Mad Chess Festival Flyer.
To all chess organizers in British Columbia. The 2003/2004 Tournament Schedule is being put together at the end of June 2003. Please submit your tournament dates now so that any conflicts can be worked out as quickly as possible in early July 2003.
Robert North, Tournament Coordinator, BCCF.
Jonathan Berry's column in the May 31 issue of the Globe and Mail reports on the game Orlov - Yoos from the Paul Keres Memorial held in Vancouver on the Victoria Day Weekend.
Friday Night Chess Tournament hosted by the Croatian Chess Club.
English Bay FIDE Invitational report.
May 26: Junior Event: Chess Party at the Vancouver Bridge Centre!
Georgi Orlov won the Open Section of the 2003 Keres Memorial.
Joe Oszvald was elected president of the BC Chess Federation.
Chess Simul announcement.
Please note the following CHANGE OF VENUE for the weekly Sunday chess tournament in Vancouver. The Croatian Community Chess Club hosts a tournament every Sunday at the Croatian Cultural Centre, 3250 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, B.C. Start time 1:00 PM. 5 rounds, 30 min. time control. Contact Robert Topic, tel: 604-298-0543, e-mail: bernardtopic@shaw.ca
The Junior Chess Schedule for 2002-2003 has been updated.
Stephen Wright has provided Tournament Rules for Junior Players.
Bruce Harper resigns as BCCF President.
Bruce Harper reports on the BC Interschool Team Championship.
Len Molden reports: North Vancouver wins the 2002-2003 Lower Mainland Chess Club Team Championship. Congratulations to them on their victory. All the results are posted at: http://www.chessmastery.com/teamresults.html
The Junior Chess Schedule for 2002-2003 has been updated.
The result of the Feb.19 chess match between North Vancouver vs. Vancouver is posted at: http://www.chessmastery.com/ ...link titled "Lower Mainland Chess Club Team Results".
The result of the Feb.12 chess match between North Vancouver (Oszvald, Tegzes, Skulsky, Pascuzzi, others) vs. Surrey (Zuk, McLaren, Fullbrook, Meng, others) is posted at: http://www.chessmastery.com/ ...link titled "Lower Mainland Chess Club Team Results".
The results of the February 1 chess matches played between North Vancouver and Langley are posted at: http://www.chessmastery.com/ ...link titled "Lower Mainland Chess Club Team Results".
Raising the Roof Active (North Vancouver, BC)
Organizer and TD Vaclav Sladek managed to lure Robert Wilkins and George Kosinski out of long retirements and then proceeded to win the event with 4/5. Eduardo Moura and George Kosinski tied for 2nd and 3rd with 3.5/5.
All players received free toques from Raising the Roof, a national project raising money for the homeless through the sale of toques every February.

See raisingtheroof.org for more.
The results of the Jan.20 chess match between Langley vs. Abbotsford ...and the Jan.21 chess match between: Port Coquitlam (Basanta, Yoos, Milicevic) vs. Surrey (Zuk, McLaren, Fullbrook) are posted at: http://www.chessmastery.com/ ...link titled "Lower Mainland Chess Club Team Results".
MacAdam Memorial Tournament, Jan 18-19,2003 Report:
The winner was Valeria Gansvind with 4.5 drawing only with Gerry Neufahrt and winning $120.00. Valeria left for Moscow today to play in a Women's chess tournament but she will not be there in time so will have to take 2 ½ point byes. Gerry played well, drawing with Valeria and Mike Stanford but losing to Harry. Second place went to Harry Moore and Greg Churchill with 4-5. winning $75.00 each First under 2000 combined with first under 1600 went to James Chan and 11 year-old Evan Raymer with 3-5 winning $52.50 each. Evan also won the top junior prize. Three juniors played in the tournament and Sam Churchill won the best Upset Prize.
Report by Lynn Stringer.
The result of the Jan.16 chess match between Port Coquitlam vs. Vancouver is posted at: http://www.chessmastery.com/ ...link titled "Lower Mainland Chess Club Team Results".
The Junior Chess Schedule for 2002-2003 has been updated.
On Saturday, February 1, 2003, the British Columbia Chess Federation will hold the preliminary round of the British Columbia Elementary School Team Championship. This event is open to all elementary schools (grades 1-7) in the province. The top 6 teams (only) will advance to the finals, to be held at St. George's Senior School on February 22, 2003. Space is limited, and therefore entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Each school is limited to two teams in each event.
On Saturday, February 22, 2003, the British Columbia Chess Federation will hold the following two separate events: - The Elementary School Finals (grades 1-7), open to 6 elementary schools qualifying from the preliminary tournament held February 1, 2003 at West Point Grey Academy; - The Secondary School Championship, open to all secondary schools in British Columbia. Players from grades 8 to 12 may play in this event. Space is limited, and therefore entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Each school is limited to two teams in each event.
The results of the Jan.7 chess match between Langley vs. Surrey and the Jan.9 chess match between Port Coquitlam vs. Abbotsford are posted at: http://www.chessmastery.com/ ...link titled "Lower Mainland Chess Club Team Results".
Canadian scholastic players from 4th - 12th grades are invited to Ferndale, Washington (15 minutes south of the border) to participate in the 6th Annual International Chess Jam 2003, to be held on Saturday, February 15, 2003. Details at http://ourworld.cs.com/kaech5/jam03.html .
The result of the Dec.17 chess match between Vancouver (Poitras, Deline, Pehisker, others) vs. Surrey (Zuk, McLaren, Fullbrook, others) is posted at: http://www.chessmastery.com/ ...link titled "Lower Mainland Chess Club Team Results".

Croatian Cultural Centre
3250 Commercial Drive, Vancouver (restaurant entry)
Every Friday, 17:30 - 23:30, admission free. All levels welcome.

Chess lessons for chess players will be taught by Roman Jiganchine from 10 am to 12 noon on every Saturday in November. Details please phone 604-266-0974 or 604-263-4321.
Report on the Kelowna Harvest Open Chess Tournament, organized and directed by Wally Steinke:
Dave Moore drew with Ian Higgs in the penultimate round to secure first place with 4.5/5 in the Kelowna Harvest Swiss played Oct. 19, 20. Section winners were Ian Higgs 4.0 , Parish Barabana 3.0 and Marshall Rasmussen 2.5.
Vaclav Sladek took photos of the BC Championship.
'Halloween Open 2002, Capilano College Chess Club Active tournament' October 19, 2002
Organizer Gavin Steininger and TD Balin Fleming combined to put on a successful active event at the Capilano College Chess Club.
Vas Sladek came first with 4.5/5 points after taking a last round bye, 2nd went to Gavin Steininger 4.0/5, 3rd went to Balin Fleming 3.5/5 and Jarmila Ruzicka, the only girl in the tournament, came 4th with 3.0/5.
Jarmila Ruzicka ( round 1)
The BC Closed 2002 crosstable is here.
The Junior Chess Schedule for 2002-2003 has been updated.
The Junior Chess Schedule for 2002-2003 has been updated,
and the new Junior Grand Prix competition has been organized.
Esquires Coffee House no longer holds Saturday weekly tournaments.
Sunday weekly tournaments continue:
Esquires Coffee House
Date: Weekly every Sunday.
Place: Esquires Coffee House, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC
Rounds: 5
Type: Active Swiss
Times: 1:00, asap
TC: G/30
Fee: $7
Misc: Bring sets, clocks
Mt. Seymour Active (August 10/2002)
Luc Poitras and Joe Oszvald tied for first place with 6/7 in an active event organized by the North Vancouver Chess Club (www.northshorechess.com).
Vas Sladek needed a lot of 'luck' to tie for third with Joe Oszvald's star student, Gavin Steininger.
Watch for more active tournaments in the fall on the North Shore and come join the fun!
Key game: Poitras-Oszvald
Added new Bughouse flyer.
Mt. Seymour Active Chess Tournament
Date: Saturday August 10/2002
Place: Parkgate Branch (North Van District public Library)
The Enid Dearing Meeting Room 3675 Banff Court, North Vancouver, BC
Rds: 5
Type: Active chess, CFC-rated
Times: 11 a.m. start
TC: G/30
EF: $12, non-members add tournament fee: regular $10, $5 for under 17
Prizes: $$BEN; G1st place: ChessBase CD EXTRA magazine
Reg: 20-player limit, pre-register by phone or e-mail, on site 10-10:45 a.m. for pre-registered players only
Org: Vas Sladek 604-982-0611, chessfm@shaw.ca
Misc: bring sets and clocks and CFC membership card
Sponsored by: Chess First! Enterprises (www.northshorechess.com)
All British Columbia juniors aged 8-17 are invited to participate in the Hot Summer Chess Grand Prix series of tournaments taking place this summer in Bellingham, Washington, USA. The first one takes (took) place on Monday, June 17. Details can be found at the Northwest Washington Scholastic Chess website, http://ourworld.cs.com/kaech5/ .
The North Vancouver Chess Club held a successful simul with club champion Joe Oszvald taking on eleven players. After a few quick victories by Joe the club came back to beat Joe 7-4!
Some of the games.
Added Luc Poitras's report on the Pascal Charbonneau Simul.
On June 23 Ben Daswani and Bruce Harper will be organizing a Bughouse Chess tournament at the Vancouver Bridge Centre.
The 2002 North Vancouver Chess Club Championship finished last week with club veteran and top-ranked
Joe Oszvald taking first, Vas Sladek was a point behind in second
and third went to Balin Fleming. The event was sponsored by Bergetti.com, Canada's Chessbase distributor, www.bergetti.com/chessbase and The Internet Chess Club, www.chessclub.com.
Wed. June 5, 2002, Joe Oszvald will give a simul at the North Vancouver Chess Club, St.Thomas Aquinas high school, 541 West Keith Rd., 7pm, $1, spots by reservation only: contact Vas at 604-982-0611.
Simul sponsored by the World Chess Network, www.worldchessnetwork.com, prizes to anyone beating or drawing Joe.
Georgi Orlov, Jack Yoos, Besnik Beqo, and Fanhao Meng tied the open section of the 2002 Paul Keres Memorial.
Steven Sadoway won the under 2000 section, and Meir Lakhovsky won the under 1600 section. Games from the tournament can be downloaded from here at games/Keres2002.cbv. Peter Stockhausen's report is available here at report.html#D20020520.
Simul by Pascal Charbonneau, (Canadian Chess Champion) on Wednesday May 29th at the Vancouver Bridge Center ( 2776 East Broadway , Vancouver). Game start at 7h00pm. Fee: $15. To register, call Luc Poitras at 604-438-0496.
Larry Christiansen and Pascal Charbonneau will play the 1st WorldChessNetwork.com North American Championship Match June 10 -16, 2002, at the Vancouver Airport Conference Resort, 10251 St. Edwards St., Richmond.
Added Peter Stockhausen's report on the 2002 Canadian Zonal Championship.
Canadian Youth Chess Championship Regional on April 21st.
Players participating in the 2002 Canadian Zonal Tournament.
Junior Chess Schedule updated.
Chess News for Esquires:
NEW TOURNAMENT: 5 game weekly. One game per Saturday for 5 weeks, starting Sat., March 23rd to Sat., April 20th, 2002. Time: 1:00PM - 5:00PM. Time control: 2 hours. Prizes base upon entries. Special prize by random draw last day of tournament - one "Your Move" chess poster which has been donated. TD: Justin Hardy. Location: Esquires Coffee House, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada. This event is not CFC rated. Bring sets and clocks. Registration: Sat., March 23rd, 12:45PM. All levels welcome.
OLD TOURNAMENTS: The regular Saturday, 15 min. time control tournament at Esquires has been wound down until further notice. The regular Sunday, 30 min. time control tournament at Esquires requires a new tournament director. This task could be shared by one, two or even more commited players. The regular Sunday 30 min. tournament in Greater Vancouver dates back to the days of the "Black Dog" and "Myles of Beans" locations, and it is hoped that someone(s) will step forward to take on the TD duties. Without a TD, the Sunday 30 min. tournament will be wound down. If interested in performing the duties of TD on a regular basis, and thereby rescuing this long standing weekly chess event, please contact Dan Chapman at ideez@yahoo.ca.
Note: Esquires Coffee House is chess friendly. Casual games anytime during regular hours. Giant chess pieces available. Visit Esquires at 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby. A short walk from Patterson Skytrain station.
Nick Beqo's chess website has been updated, with a new permanent address: http://www.nickbeqo.com/.
Annual Junior Open rescheduled to February 10, 2002.
A Qualifier for the 2002 Canadian Closed will be held March 1-3 in Vancouver.
Wednesday Night Junior Chess Club
Every Wednesday at the Bridge Center, join a Chess Club for kids and teenagers.
The Chess Club starts at 6h50 p.m., beginning with a lecture by Luc Poitras
and followed by a chess tournament with clock (G/15).
Every participant will play 4 games. Everything finishes around 9h00 p.m.
Address: 2776 Broadway East (between Nanaimo and Renfrew), Vancouver.
Fee (drop-in): $5, $4 if your CFC rating is over 1200, $3 if your CFC rating is over 1600
info: (Luc) 604-438-0496 lpoitras@lynx.net
Junior Open for Jan.27, 2002 has been postponed due to weather.
All young chessplayers from 4th - 12th grades are invited to the 5th Annual International Chess Jam 2002 on February 9. It's in Ferndale, just 15 minutes below the border. All details and a FAQ are at the NW WA Scholastic Chess web page:
Junior Chess Schedule updated.
Chess @ Esquires. New for 2002, 5 rounds over 5 weekly Saturdays. TD: Steve Morgan. Entry fee: $10. Time control: 40 moves in 1.5 hrs, then 30 min. sudden death. First round: Saturday, January 5. 2002, 1:00PM. Esquires Coffee House, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, corner of Kingsway and Wilson.
Other regular tournaments at Esquires continue: Saturdays @ 4:00PM, 15 min., 5 rounds, $5; Sundays @ 1:00PM, 30 min., 5 rounds, $7. Bring sets and clocks.
Canadian scholastic players from 4th - 12th grades are invited to Ferndale, Washington (15 minutes south of the border) to participate in the 6th Annual International Chess Jam 2003, to be held on Saturday, February 15, 2003. Details at http://ourworld.cs.com/kaech5/jam03.html .
The result of the Dec.17 chess match between Vancouver (Poitras, Deline, Pehisker, others) vs. Surrey (Zuk, McLaren, Fullbrook, others) is posted at: http://www.chessmastery.com/ ...link titled "Lower Mainland Chess Club Team Results".

Croatian Cultural Centre
3250 Commercial Drive, Vancouver (restaurant entry)
Every Friday, 17:30 - 23:30, admission free. All levels welcome.

Chess lessons for chess players will be taught by Roman Jiganchine from 10 am to 12 noon on every Saturday in November. Details please phone 604-266-0974 or 604-263-4321.
Report on the Kelowna Harvest Open Chess Tournament, organized and directed by Wally Steinke:
Dave Moore drew with Ian Higgs in the penultimate round to secure first place with 4.5/5 in the Kelowna Harvest Swiss played Oct. 19, 20. Section winners were Ian Higgs 4.0 , Parish Barabana 3.0 and Marshall Rasmussen 2.5.

'Halloween Open 2002, Capilano College Chess Club Active tournament' October 19, 2002
Organizer Gavin Steininger and TD Balin Fleming combined to put on a successful active event at the Capilano College Chess Club.
Vas Sladek came first with 4.5/5 points after taking a last round bye, 2nd went to Gavin Steininger 4.0/5, 3rd went to Balin Fleming 3.5/5 and Jarmila Ruzicka, the only girl in the tournament, came 4th with 3.0/5.


The Junior Chess Schedule for 2002-2003 has been updated.
The Junior Chess Schedule for 2002-2003 has been updated,
and the new Junior Grand Prix competition has been organized.
Esquires Coffee House no longer holds Saturday weekly tournaments.
Sunday weekly tournaments continue:
Esquires Coffee House
Date: Weekly every Sunday.
Place: Esquires Coffee House, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC
Rounds: 5
Type: Active Swiss
Times: 1:00, asap
TC: G/30
Fee: $7
Misc: Bring sets, clocks
Mt. Seymour Active (August 10/2002)
Luc Poitras and Joe Oszvald tied for first place with 6/7 in an active event organized by the North Vancouver Chess Club (www.northshorechess.com).
Vas Sladek needed a lot of 'luck' to tie for third with Joe Oszvald's star student, Gavin Steininger.
Watch for more active tournaments in the fall on the North Shore and come join the fun!

Key game: Poitras-Oszvald
Added new Bughouse flyer.
Mt. Seymour Active Chess Tournament
Date: Saturday August 10/2002
Place: Parkgate Branch (North Van District public Library)
The Enid Dearing Meeting Room 3675 Banff Court, North Vancouver, BC
Rds: 5
Type: Active chess, CFC-rated
Times: 11 a.m. start
TC: G/30
EF: $12, non-members add tournament fee: regular $10, $5 for under 17
Prizes: $$BEN; G1st place: ChessBase CD EXTRA magazine
Reg: 20-player limit, pre-register by phone or e-mail, on site 10-10:45 a.m. for pre-registered players only
Org: Vas Sladek 604-982-0611, chessfm@shaw.ca
Misc: bring sets and clocks and CFC membership card
Sponsored by: Chess First! Enterprises (www.northshorechess.com)
All British Columbia juniors aged 8-17 are invited to participate in the Hot Summer Chess Grand Prix series of tournaments taking place this summer in Bellingham, Washington, USA. The first one takes (took) place on Monday, June 17. Details can be found at the Northwest Washington Scholastic Chess website, http://ourworld.cs.com/kaech5/ .
The North Vancouver Chess Club held a successful simul with club champion Joe Oszvald taking on eleven players. After a few quick victories by Joe the club came back to beat Joe 7-4!
Some of the games.

Added Luc Poitras's report on the Pascal Charbonneau Simul.
On June 23 Ben Daswani and Bruce Harper will be organizing a Bughouse Chess tournament at the Vancouver Bridge Centre.
The 2002 North Vancouver Chess Club Championship finished last week with club veteran and top-ranked

Wed. June 5, 2002, Joe Oszvald will give a simul at the North Vancouver Chess Club, St.Thomas Aquinas high school, 541 West Keith Rd., 7pm, $1, spots by reservation only: contact Vas at 604-982-0611.
Simul sponsored by the World Chess Network, www.worldchessnetwork.com, prizes to anyone beating or drawing Joe.
Georgi Orlov, Jack Yoos, Besnik Beqo, and Fanhao Meng tied the open section of the 2002 Paul Keres Memorial.
Steven Sadoway won the under 2000 section, and Meir Lakhovsky won the under 1600 section. Games from the tournament can be downloaded from here at games/Keres2002.cbv. Peter Stockhausen's report is available here at report.html#D20020520.

Simul by Pascal Charbonneau, (Canadian Chess Champion) on Wednesday May 29th at the Vancouver Bridge Center ( 2776 East Broadway , Vancouver). Game start at 7h00pm. Fee: $15. To register, call Luc Poitras at 604-438-0496.
Larry Christiansen and Pascal Charbonneau will play the 1st WorldChessNetwork.com North American Championship Match June 10 -16, 2002, at the Vancouver Airport Conference Resort, 10251 St. Edwards St., Richmond.
Added Peter Stockhausen's report on the 2002 Canadian Zonal Championship.
Canadian Youth Chess Championship Regional on April 21st.
Players participating in the 2002 Canadian Zonal Tournament.
Junior Chess Schedule updated.
Chess News for Esquires:
NEW TOURNAMENT: 5 game weekly. One game per Saturday for 5 weeks, starting Sat., March 23rd to Sat., April 20th, 2002. Time: 1:00PM - 5:00PM. Time control: 2 hours. Prizes base upon entries. Special prize by random draw last day of tournament - one "Your Move" chess poster which has been donated. TD: Justin Hardy. Location: Esquires Coffee House, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada. This event is not CFC rated. Bring sets and clocks. Registration: Sat., March 23rd, 12:45PM. All levels welcome.
OLD TOURNAMENTS: The regular Saturday, 15 min. time control tournament at Esquires has been wound down until further notice. The regular Sunday, 30 min. time control tournament at Esquires requires a new tournament director. This task could be shared by one, two or even more commited players. The regular Sunday 30 min. tournament in Greater Vancouver dates back to the days of the "Black Dog" and "Myles of Beans" locations, and it is hoped that someone(s) will step forward to take on the TD duties. Without a TD, the Sunday 30 min. tournament will be wound down. If interested in performing the duties of TD on a regular basis, and thereby rescuing this long standing weekly chess event, please contact Dan Chapman at ideez@yahoo.ca.
Note: Esquires Coffee House is chess friendly. Casual games anytime during regular hours. Giant chess pieces available. Visit Esquires at 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby. A short walk from Patterson Skytrain station.
Nick Beqo's chess website has been updated, with a new permanent address: http://www.nickbeqo.com/.
News Release For Immediate Release Contact: John Hoskin WorldChessNetwork.com (905) 634-0029 hoskin@worldchessnetwork.com World Chess Network Unveils New Technology http://www.worldchessnetwork.com SCOTTSDALE, AZ - March 4, 2002 - WorldChessNetwork.com is proud to announce the unveiling of its live broadcast technology. The Canadian Chess Championship being held from March 21, 2002 until April 1, 2002 will be the showcase for World Chess Network's latest technological advancement. Chess fans from around the globe will be able to watch the top matches in the tournament live via software provided free of charge by WorldChessNetwork.com. This new broadcast technology revolutionizes the exposure potential of events such as this, allowing anyone with an Internet connection the ability to watch these matches. The winner of the Canadian Championship will represent his country at the $3,000,000 World Championship, which is also expected to include the United States Chess Champion, Grandmaster Larry Christiansen. Mr. Christiansen is a site professional at WorldChessNetwork.com For more information on the Canadian Championship visit: The World Chess Network website is located at: http://www.worldchessnetwork.com --About the World Chess Network - The World Chess Network (http://www.worldchessnetwork.com) is owned and operated by Master Games International Inc., a corporation founded in 1997 by chess organizers, International Grandmasters and patrons of the game. The President/CEO is Patrick J. Connoy, an experienced CEO with a background in healthcare and a successful track record as a management executive. The Director of Technology is Marty Hirsch, winner of a NASA award for work on the Voyager Space Mission and several World Championships for developing the world's strongest chess playing software. The Company's Chairman is Dato' Tan Chin Nam who has served as Deputy President of the International Chess Federation and has sponsored chess-related events throughout the World. George W. Church, former President and CEO of Church's Chicken, also serves on the Company's Board of Directors and has been an active promoter of chess worldwide. Legendary World Chess Champion, Boris Spassky, who twice battled eccentric American genius, Bobby Fischer, is an International Ambassador for the World Chess Network. --About Larry Christiansen- Larry Christiansen has been one of America's leading International Grandmasters for over 25 years. He has represented the United States in over 11 Chess Olympiads and has won the U.S. Chess Championship 3 times. His elite career includes wins over legendary World Champions Anatoly Karpov and Boris Spassky. Larry Christiansen is a Site Professional for World Chess Network.
Annual Junior Open rescheduled to February 10, 2002.
A Qualifier for the 2002 Canadian Closed will be held March 1-3 in Vancouver.
Wednesday Night Junior Chess Club
Every Wednesday at the Bridge Center, join a Chess Club for kids and teenagers.
The Chess Club starts at 6h50 p.m., beginning with a lecture by Luc Poitras
and followed by a chess tournament with clock (G/15).
Every participant will play 4 games. Everything finishes around 9h00 p.m.
Address: 2776 Broadway East (between Nanaimo and Renfrew), Vancouver.
Fee (drop-in): $5, $4 if your CFC rating is over 1200, $3 if your CFC rating is over 1600
info: (Luc) 604-438-0496 lpoitras@lynx.net
Junior Open for Jan.27, 2002 has been postponed due to weather.
All young chessplayers from 4th - 12th grades are invited to the 5th Annual International Chess Jam 2002 on February 9. It's in Ferndale, just 15 minutes below the border. All details and a FAQ are at the NW WA Scholastic Chess web page:
Junior Chess Schedule updated.
Chess @ Esquires. New for 2002, 5 rounds over 5 weekly Saturdays. TD: Steve Morgan. Entry fee: $10. Time control: 40 moves in 1.5 hrs, then 30 min. sudden death. First round: Saturday, January 5. 2002, 1:00PM. Esquires Coffee House, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, corner of Kingsway and Wilson.
Other regular tournaments at Esquires continue: Saturdays @ 4:00PM, 15 min., 5 rounds, $5; Sundays @ 1:00PM, 30 min., 5 rounds, $7. Bring sets and clocks.
Added Stephen Wright's report on the 2001 BC Junior Championship.
Junior Chess Schedule updated.
Added Bruce Harper's report on the December 9, 2001, BC Junior Speed and Siamese tournaments.
Added Stephen Wright's report on the 2001 BC - Wahington Match.
The BC Junior Speed Championship , BC Junior Siamese Championship, Christmas Party will be held on December 9, 2001 at the Vancouver Bridge Centre, 2776 East Broadway, Vancouver.
Junior Chess Schedule updated.
Added Lynn Stringer's photo gallery from the Silver Star Classic to the BC Chess Reports page.
The winner of our tournament and qualifier for the B.C. Closed was Barry Dyck of Vanderhoof. The second place winner was Nicholas Taylor and third was John Niksic, both from Prince Rupert.
Report by Doreen Loseth losethd@hotmail.com
Junior Chess Schedule updated.
The crosstable and games from the 1957 Canadian Championship have been added to the British Columbia Chess Games Database.
The Northern BC Qualifier for the BC Closed will be held in Burns Lake on October 27 and 28, 2001.
The webpage for the 2002 Canadian Closed is now available.
Due to overwhelming response, if you plan to attend, or even might attend, the Development Chess Simul on Sept. 27, please e-mail ideez@yahoo.ca in advance. If we know that more than 20 players are planning to attend, we will schedule two nights rather than turn players away disappointed. For info on the simul event, visit: http://www.sfu.ca/~rjiganch/simul.htm
Central Park Chess Club is pleased to announce a Development Chess Simul with National Master Roman Jiganchine. The purpose of this simul is to improve game play.
Location: Esquires Coffee House, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada. Date: Thursday, Sept. 27, 2001 Time: 7:00PM - 9:00PM
This event could become a regular, and is a unique opportunity for developing one's game. For further info visit: http://www.sfu.ca/~rjiganch/simul.htm
Added Lynn Stringer's photo gallery from the Victoria Labour Day Open to the BC Chess Reports page.
The Crosstable is here at vld2001.html
Vancouver Math and Chess Puzzle Learning Centre
is now totally free for anyone, no fees charged. Address: #4, 2265 West 41st, Vancouver, BC
The Thanksgiving Open will be held at the Vancouver Bridge Centre.
Junior Chess Schedule updated.
Two new weekly Chess events are scheduled at Esquires Coffee House, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada: a "Development Night" every Thursday for lower ranked players, and a Saturday afternoon Blitz event. The complete weekly schedule for Chess at Esquires now includes the following:
DEVELOPMENT NIGHT - Thursdays, 7:00PM-9:30PM. Open and varied activities especially for lower ranked players.
5 MIN. BLITZ - Saturdays, 1:00PM-4:00PM. 10 rounds. Entry fee $5.
15 MIN. TIME CONTROL - Saturdays, 4:00PM-7:00PM, 5 round Swiss. Entry fee $5.
30 MIN. TIME CONTROL - Sundays, 1:00PM-7:00PM, 5 round Swiss. Entry fee $7.
Casual play anytime during regular hours. Giant Chess pieces available.
For further info. contact Daniel Chapman, ideez@yahoo.ca.
Vancouver Math and Chess Puzzle Learning Centre
is pleased to announce the September, 2001 activity for the the Vancouver Junior Chess Club at 2265 West 41st. The club will be free for students who register for our math lessons. Non-Math and Chess students pay drop-in fee $5.00 for 2 hours each Saturday from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Further info can be obtained by phoning 604-263-4321.
Roma Tournament
The tournament date is confirmed: Sunday, August 12.
Cafe Roma, 1510 Commercial Dr, Vancouver, BC, 604-215-8801
The entry fee will be ten dollars.There will be a trophy to contend for.
First round at 1:00PM
It will be unrated and 30 minutes per side. Participants should bring their own equipment. John Anderson will direct. The prize fund will be 500 dollars guaranteed. (But no more than 500).
Entry fee will include a coffee or tea.
Savo has agreed to roast a suckling pig, which will be available to players.
Spanish coverage of the 26th Paul Keres Memorial is available at http://ajedrezactual.com/keres01.html .
Georgi Orlov won the open section of the 2001 Paul Keres Memorial.
Mehrdad Yousefzadeh and Jason Lee won the under 2000 section, and Yaroslav Goutor won the under 1600 section. Games from the tournament can be downloaded from here at games/Keres26th.zip.
Summer Junior Chess Club - (From May 30 to September 26)
Every Wednesday from May 30, at Vancouver Bridge Centre, join a chess club especially for kids and teenagers. The chess club opens its doors at 6:45PM, beginning with a lecture by Luc Poitras and followed by a chess tournament until 9:00PM.
Address: 2776 East Broadway (between Nanaimo and Renfrew). Fee: (drop-in) $4, $3 for players with a CFC rating over 1000 and free for players with a CFC rating over 1500. Information:(Luc) 604-438-0496 lpoitras@lynx.net
Dragoljub Milicevic won the 2001 BC Closed Championship, and qualifies to play in the Canadian Closed Chess Championship, to be held in Montreal between August 21 and August 29.
US National Master David Gliksman won clear first in the BC Open, held on the Easter weekend. Luc Poitras took second prize, and qualifies to play in next year's BC Closed.
SIMUL CHESS EVENT FOR CHARITY Presented by: Esquires Coffee House and Central Park Chess Club. Come play a Chess Master, have fun and support a worthy charity. 100% of all fees to the Multiple Sclerosis Society of B.C. A simultaneous exhibition of Chess by Master Rex Balbuena. Saturday, April 21, 2001. Registration 12:00 noon. Entrance fee $5. Esquires Coffee House, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada. All ages, all levels welcome. For further info. contact Daniel Chapman, ideez@yahoo.ca.
Jack Yoos gave a lecture at the Vancouver Bridge Centre about the recent Chess Olympiad held in Istanbul. Those in attendance heard behind the scenes details about the tournament and its players, and Jack analyzed a game from the event that was not previously covered by his recent article in En Passant.
Added Lynn Stringer's photo gallery from the Victoria Spring Classic to the BC Chess Reports page.
Added Jonathan Berry's photo gallery from the 2000 Chess Olympiad to the BC Chess Reports page.
NOTE: Change of Venue: The Victoria Spring Classic has been moved to Room D111 in the MacLaurin Building at the University of Victoria.
On December 30, 2000, the Double Trouble (Simultaneous Madness) was held at the Vancouver Bridge Centre.
Here are the crosstables for the main Double Trouble event and the Doubly Mad Blitz that followed it.
All young players 5th-12th grades are welcome to participate in the International Chess Jam 2001, to be held Feb. 10 in Ferndale (south of Surrey, north of Bellingham).
Regular chess tournaments at Esquires Coffee House Location: 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada Every Saturday, 5 round Swiss, 15 min. time control, first round 4:00, others asap, entry fee $5.
NEW: Every Sunday, 5 round Swiss, 30 min. time control, first round 1:00, others asap, entry fee $7. Bring chess sets & clocks. Casual play welcome anytime. All ages, all levels. For further info. contact Daniel Chapman, ideez@yahoo.ca.
Added Stephen Wright's report on the 2001 BC Junior Championship.
Junior Chess Schedule updated.
Added Bruce Harper's report on the December 9, 2001, BC Junior Speed and Siamese tournaments.
Added Stephen Wright's report on the 2001 BC - Wahington Match.
The BC Junior Speed Championship , BC Junior Siamese Championship, Christmas Party will be held on December 9, 2001 at the Vancouver Bridge Centre, 2776 East Broadway, Vancouver.
Junior Chess Schedule updated.
Added Lynn Stringer's photo gallery from the Silver Star Classic to the BC Chess Reports page.
The winner of our tournament and qualifier for the B.C. Closed was Barry Dyck of Vanderhoof. The second place winner was Nicholas Taylor and third was John Niksic, both from Prince Rupert.
Report by Doreen Loseth losethd@hotmail.com
Junior Chess Schedule updated.
The crosstable and games from the 1957 Canadian Championship have been added to the British Columbia Chess Games Database.
The Northern BC Qualifier for the BC Closed will be held in Burns Lake on October 27 and 28, 2001.
The webpage for the 2002 Canadian Closed is now available.
Due to overwhelming response, if you plan to attend, or even might attend, the Development Chess Simul on Sept. 27, please e-mail ideez@yahoo.ca in advance. If we know that more than 20 players are planning to attend, we will schedule two nights rather than turn players away disappointed. For info on the simul event, visit: http://www.sfu.ca/~rjiganch/simul.htm
Central Park Chess Club is pleased to announce a Development Chess Simul with National Master Roman Jiganchine. The purpose of this simul is to improve game play.
Location: Esquires Coffee House, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada. Date: Thursday, Sept. 27, 2001 Time: 7:00PM - 9:00PM
This event could become a regular, and is a unique opportunity for developing one's game. For further info visit: http://www.sfu.ca/~rjiganch/simul.htm
Added Lynn Stringer's photo gallery from the Victoria Labour Day Open to the BC Chess Reports page.
The Crosstable is here at vld2001.html
Vancouver Math and Chess Puzzle Learning Centre
is now totally free for anyone, no fees charged. Address: #4, 2265 West 41st, Vancouver, BC

The Thanksgiving Open will be held at the Vancouver Bridge Centre.
Junior Chess Schedule updated.
Two new weekly Chess events are scheduled at Esquires Coffee House, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada: a "Development Night" every Thursday for lower ranked players, and a Saturday afternoon Blitz event. The complete weekly schedule for Chess at Esquires now includes the following:
DEVELOPMENT NIGHT - Thursdays, 7:00PM-9:30PM. Open and varied activities especially for lower ranked players.
5 MIN. BLITZ - Saturdays, 1:00PM-4:00PM. 10 rounds. Entry fee $5.
15 MIN. TIME CONTROL - Saturdays, 4:00PM-7:00PM, 5 round Swiss. Entry fee $5.
30 MIN. TIME CONTROL - Sundays, 1:00PM-7:00PM, 5 round Swiss. Entry fee $7.
Casual play anytime during regular hours. Giant Chess pieces available.
For further info. contact Daniel Chapman, ideez@yahoo.ca.
Vancouver Math and Chess Puzzle Learning Centre
is pleased to announce the September, 2001 activity for the the Vancouver Junior Chess Club at 2265 West 41st. The club will be free for students who register for our math lessons. Non-Math and Chess students pay drop-in fee $5.00 for 2 hours each Saturday from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Further info can be obtained by phoning 604-263-4321.
Roma Tournament
The tournament date is confirmed: Sunday, August 12.
Cafe Roma, 1510 Commercial Dr, Vancouver, BC, 604-215-8801
The entry fee will be ten dollars.There will be a trophy to contend for.
First round at 1:00PM
It will be unrated and 30 minutes per side. Participants should bring their own equipment. John Anderson will direct. The prize fund will be 500 dollars guaranteed. (But no more than 500).
Entry fee will include a coffee or tea.
Savo has agreed to roast a suckling pig, which will be available to players.
Spanish coverage of the 26th Paul Keres Memorial is available at http://ajedrezactual.com/keres01.html .
Georgi Orlov won the open section of the 2001 Paul Keres Memorial.
Mehrdad Yousefzadeh and Jason Lee won the under 2000 section, and Yaroslav Goutor won the under 1600 section. Games from the tournament can be downloaded from here at games/Keres26th.zip.
Summer Junior Chess Club - (From May 30 to September 26)
Every Wednesday from May 30, at Vancouver Bridge Centre, join a chess club especially for kids and teenagers. The chess club opens its doors at 6:45PM, beginning with a lecture by Luc Poitras and followed by a chess tournament until 9:00PM.
Address: 2776 East Broadway (between Nanaimo and Renfrew). Fee: (drop-in) $4, $3 for players with a CFC rating over 1000 and free for players with a CFC rating over 1500. Information:(Luc) 604-438-0496 lpoitras@lynx.net
Dragoljub Milicevic won the 2001 BC Closed Championship, and qualifies to play in the Canadian Closed Chess Championship, to be held in Montreal between August 21 and August 29.
US National Master David Gliksman won clear first in the BC Open, held on the Easter weekend. Luc Poitras took second prize, and qualifies to play in next year's BC Closed.
SIMUL CHESS EVENT FOR CHARITY Presented by: Esquires Coffee House and Central Park Chess Club. Come play a Chess Master, have fun and support a worthy charity. 100% of all fees to the Multiple Sclerosis Society of B.C. A simultaneous exhibition of Chess by Master Rex Balbuena. Saturday, April 21, 2001. Registration 12:00 noon. Entrance fee $5. Esquires Coffee House, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada. All ages, all levels welcome. For further info. contact Daniel Chapman, ideez@yahoo.ca.
Jack Yoos gave a lecture at the Vancouver Bridge Centre about the recent Chess Olympiad held in Istanbul. Those in attendance heard behind the scenes details about the tournament and its players, and Jack analyzed a game from the event that was not previously covered by his recent article in En Passant.
Added Lynn Stringer's photo gallery from the Victoria Spring Classic to the BC Chess Reports page.
Added Jonathan Berry's photo gallery from the 2000 Chess Olympiad to the BC Chess Reports page.
NOTE: Change of Venue: The Victoria Spring Classic has been moved to Room D111 in the MacLaurin Building at the University of Victoria.
On December 30, 2000, the Double Trouble (Simultaneous Madness) was held at the Vancouver Bridge Centre.
Here are the crosstables for the main Double Trouble event and the Doubly Mad Blitz that followed it.
All young players 5th-12th grades are welcome to participate in the International Chess Jam 2001, to be held Feb. 10 in Ferndale (south of Surrey, north of Bellingham).
Regular chess tournaments at Esquires Coffee House Location: 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada Every Saturday, 5 round Swiss, 15 min. time control, first round 4:00, others asap, entry fee $5.
NEW: Every Sunday, 5 round Swiss, 30 min. time control, first round 1:00, others asap, entry fee $7. Bring chess sets & clocks. Casual play welcome anytime. All ages, all levels. For further info. contact Daniel Chapman, ideez@yahoo.ca.
The schedule for the Fraser Valley Chess Club Tournament has been updated. Some of the missing results are expected shortly; check for results of future matches as they occur later in the season.
Updated the Provincial Interschool Team Chess Championship, and registration forms: provincial.pdf or provincial.doc.
Northern Qualifier
John Niksic pre-tournament favourite needed help from Micah Quinn, from Prince George who defeated Nick Taylor in the last round to give the win to Niksic. Niksic lost to Taylor who drew with Bob Mair thus the pairings in the last round were Niksic 3-Mair 2.5, Taylor 3.5-Quinn 2, the rest of the pack were out of contention. So Taylor snatches defeat out of jaws of victory. Very unusual results, many upsets.
Report by Von Sarac nccs@mail.bulkley.net
New link added for the Provincial Interschool Team Chess Championship, and registration forms: provincial.pdf(19,884) or provincial.doc (87,040).
Washington players can participate in our junior tournaments. They do not have to pay CFC membership since it is free for juniors under 18 years old. Tournaments fees are $10 - 15. Looking forward to see some players from across the border.
For further info contact Richard Krys rkrys@home.com.
"Burnaby Now" newspaper is planning a front page news report on Esquires Coffee House and the Central Park Chess Club. There is a strong possibility they will have a reporter and photographer at next Saturday's weekly tournament, November 25,2000. The more chess players in attendance the better. Regular 15 min. tournaments continue every Saturday, 4:00PM to 7:00PM @ Esquires, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada. For further info. contact Daniel Chapman, ideez@yahoo.ca.
Alex Davies won the Silver Star Classic with 6/6.
Central Park Chess Club is pleased to announce the arrival of "giant" size chess pieces available for play at Esquires Coffee House, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada. Regular Saturday tournaments are continuing weekly at Esquires, and all levels of play are encouraged to participate. Please pass this info on to any interested parties. For further info contact Daniel Chapman, ideez@yahoo.ca.
The Interschool Team Tournament will take place at York House School on February 24, 2001. More details will be available soon.
On August 26 and 27, 2000, a 24 hour Chess Marathon was held at the Vancouver Bridge Centre.
Simultaneous with the Marathon event were four other events: the Mad Active, the Mad Blitz, the Midnight Active, and the Midnight Blitz.
The schedule for the Fraser Valley Chess Club Tournament has been updated. Some of the missing results are expected shortly; check for results of future matches as they occur later in the season.
Updated the Provincial Interschool Team Chess Championship, and registration forms: provincial.pdf or provincial.doc.
Northern Qualifier
John Niksic pre-tournament favourite needed help from Micah Quinn, from Prince George who defeated Nick Taylor in the last round to give the win to Niksic. Niksic lost to Taylor who drew with Bob Mair thus the pairings in the last round were Niksic 3-Mair 2.5, Taylor 3.5-Quinn 2, the rest of the pack were out of contention. So Taylor snatches defeat out of jaws of victory. Very unusual results, many upsets.
Report by Von Sarac nccs@mail.bulkley.net
New link added for the Provincial Interschool Team Chess Championship, and registration forms: provincial.pdf(19,884) or provincial.doc (87,040).
Washington players can participate in our junior tournaments. They do not have to pay CFC membership since it is free for juniors under 18 years old. Tournaments fees are $10 - 15. Looking forward to see some players from across the border.
For further info contact Richard Krys rkrys@home.com.
"Burnaby Now" newspaper is planning a front page news report on Esquires Coffee House and the Central Park Chess Club. There is a strong possibility they will have a reporter and photographer at next Saturday's weekly tournament, November 25,2000. The more chess players in attendance the better. Regular 15 min. tournaments continue every Saturday, 4:00PM to 7:00PM @ Esquires, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada. For further info. contact Daniel Chapman, ideez@yahoo.ca.
Alex Davies won the Silver Star Classic with 6/6.
Central Park Chess Club is pleased to announce the arrival of "giant" size chess pieces available for play at Esquires Coffee House, 4300 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada. Regular Saturday tournaments are continuing weekly at Esquires, and all levels of play are encouraged to participate. Please pass this info on to any interested parties. For further info contact Daniel Chapman, ideez@yahoo.ca.
The Interschool Team Tournament will take place at York House School on February 24, 2001. More details will be available soon.
On August 26 and 27, 2000, a 24 hour Chess Marathon was held at the Vancouver Bridge Centre.
Simultaneous with the Marathon event were four other events: the Mad Active, the Mad Blitz, the Midnight Active, and the Midnight Blitz.
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